Adventists for Tomorrow

Our mission is to provide a free and open medium that will assist individuals in forming accurate, balanced, and thoughtful opinions regarding issues within and without the church.

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Due to a large increase in spam, I have frozen forum registration. If you are new to the site and want to register, e-mail me personally at Thank you.

Forum rules is a message board geared towards discussion of Seventh-day Adventism. Current and former Adventists--along with any interested folk--who like to discuss Adventism and other related topics without fear of censorship are welcome.

We hope that the tone of this forum is positive, friendly, and helpful, but please keep in mind while posting that we have the following rules we expect to be followed:

1) Posts written purely to offend will be removed.
2) Profanity, lewd language, aggression, harassment, bullying, and spamming will not be tolerated.
3) is not a hate forum towards the Seventh-day Adventist Church and Denomination.

Choosing not to follow these rules may result in the removal or deletion of your posts. Repeatedly breaking the rules may result in a temporary or permanent ban.

Please follow the Golden Rule.

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