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"I was watching Lou Dobbs on CNN for the first time in a long time. It surprised my how confrontational and extreme right wing he seemed to be. Is it just me or has Lou Dobbs changed?" <BR> <BR>Are you are too far left and that makes him appear far right?
Lou Dobb's, Don, what you are sensing is frustration. Down here in the US, the Senate is Democrat, the House is Democrat and the Executive branch is Democrat and soon the Supreme Court will be Liberal like them unless Obama is put out as Dobb's is beginning to realize before our businesses are socialized and no longer the most productive in the world. Your feeling of confrontation, may be a lack of knowledge of the subject, eh??? Notice Elaine had to go to Jon Stewart to get HER impression, that is a comedy show, if you don't watch "The Daily Show". Not the best place to get your news!!!
Bob, I DO watch the network news and especially enjoy PBS evening news. So I get two hours between 5-7 of news each and every day. Also read several newspapers. <BR> <BR>I like satirical comedy and The Daily Show skewers both parties. We all need to lighten up a little.
Lightening up, and getting news from comedic and liberal sources is one thing, being unbiased and listening to both sides is another.
If both sides includes listening to Faux News, Glen Beck or Rush Limbaugh, count me out. <BR> <BR>PBS, This Week with George, I also listen to and they present both sides regularly. It just so happens that one side appeals more to me.
so why did Obama's dead and unable to be consulted...say that he was born in Kenya? <BR> <BR>why did DNC laywers spend so much $$ trying to keep anybody from viewing the original birth cert...which should have had a doctor's signature, which could have been followed up for even more proof...if in fact it had been true that he was actually born in Hawaii... and not the day before in kenya. <BR> <BR>either way, O is out to destroy our economy... <BR>reading from his PelosiReid instructions on his teleprompter he wants to stop drilling for oil, and with his cap and tax plan, to raise the cost of energy....and lower our standard of living... <BR> <BR>all of which will make us a 3rd world country <BR>like VN.... where this is what passes for a 5 person SUV <BR><img src="" alt=""> <BR> <BR>more pix like that here: <BR><a href="" target=_top></a> <BR> <BR>but be careful letting your kids or grandparents surf there.
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?
welcome back, Art.... <BR> <BR>you've been missing since pangea broke up <BR>(what was that?... about 6000 yrs ago??) <BR> <BR><img src="" alt=""> <BR> <BR>while you're here, why not also go (t)here? <BR> <BR><a href="" target=_top></a>
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?