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guys...check the length of your "ring" finger; if it is longer than your index finger, you may have received more hormones in the womb which increased your production of male hormones, including testosterone, making you more "manly", aggressive, and potentially better at business, war and contact sports!!!! <BR> <BR>if your index finger is longer, or if all three middle fingers are about the same length, no need to worry. <BR> <BR>Don't ask, dont tell, just enjoy your more artistic tendancies!!!! <BR> <BR><a href="" target=_top></a>
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?
<IMG SRC="" ALT=":-(" BORDER=0> <BR> <BR>My index fingers are longer! Maybe that's why I was an English major. <BR> <BR>(Message edited by admin on January 18, 2009)
add this to the list of things we blame our parents for!!! <BR> <BR>selected quotes from several articles at: <BR> <BR><a href="" target=_top> ger/homo_finger.html</a> <BR> <BR><font color="0000ff">Do a person's fingers reveal their sexual <BR>orientation? <BR> <BR>YOUR early life as a fetus may have influenced your sexuality as an adult--and your fingers tell part of the story. Researchers in California have used relative finger lengths to show that sexual orientation is partly determined by events in the womb. <BR>We did not find a difference between gay and straight men in ring-to-index-finger ratios, but we did find a more masculine ratio in men who had more than one older brother when compared to men who had no older brothers, which suggests that the more older brothers you have, the greater your testosterone exposure in the womb. This is especially interesting because there are a lot of data sets that look at men’s sexual orientation and number of older brothers, and all of them show that gay men tend to have more older brothers than the rest of the population. For the rest of the population, the ratio is 106 brothers to 100 sisters, whether older or younger. In our survey, gay men had 140 older brothers for every 100 older sisters, but for younger brothers and sisters, for gays the figure is also 106 to 100, as with the rest of the population. <BR>Blanchard estimates that about fifteen percent of the men who are gay in North America are gay because they have older brothers. If their mother had had fewer boys before them, they would be straight today. Fifteen percent is a significant number. And think of it politically. Why on earth should people have hundreds of fewer legal rights and be unable to marry the person they fall in love with just because their mom had sons before them?</font>
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?
TIC <BR> <BR><a href="" target=_top></a>
Not posted in the "This is Funny" section. YOu always had bad taste in that regard.
Pages: 1