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I found this to be an interesting history on Christmas that I came across yesterday.
Paganism in Christmas Part 2, by Roy A. Reinhold
Oh how people love to participate in all the man-made aspects of
Christmas; the glittering lights, the evergreen tree, the giving of
presents, and the entire merchant push for their biggest sales period
of the year. While some Christians will say that "we ought not
commercialize Christmas", or "let's put Christ back in Christmas",
those are just slogans to perpetuate what is a pagan festival.
When Did Christmas Originate?
One prolific writer in the early church fathers was Irenaeus, the
bishop over all the churches of Asia Minor. He was designated a saint
by the Roman Catholic church, and was the bishop following John the
apostle and Polycarp. Irenaeus was bishop in about 170-180 AD, and
wrote about all the church observances. Nowhere is Christmas mentioned
or the observance of a day for the supposed birth of Yeshua. You can
read Irenaeus' writings in English at the Wheaton University website,
and check it out for yourself.
The Catholic encyclopedia states that shortly after the Council of
Nicea in 325 AD, a pope assigned December 25th as the day for
observing the birth of Yeshua. Then in the 5th century AD, another
pope made it church law, that all Christians would observe December 25
as Christmas, forever. Think about it, the date of December 25 was
chosen over 300 years after the death of Yeshua, as the date of His
birth; and 400 years afterwords it was institutionalized as a
mandatory church observance. The same bunch who changed the Sabbath
from the 7th day of the week to the first, also decided to create
More: nity/christmas2.html
The exact birthdate of Yeshua (Jesus) is pinpointed in a newer 5-part
article on this website as Tishri 1, 3759 (September 11, 3 BC). Please
read that to see the very compelling evidence from the Bible code and
other more scholarly works that all serve to identify the exact day
and time that Yeshua was born.
Exact Date Of Yeshua's Birth,
part 1
by Roy A. Reinhold February 1, 2001
A few days before January 1, 2001, I decided to see if the Bible code
could identify the exact day of Yeshua's birth (Jesus), since a ton of
books and articles have been written forwarding different views and
theories. The traditional day celebrated in the church is December 25,
1 BC, although that day wasn't designated until about 360 AD. All the
ante-nicene church fathers did not specify in their writings, the
exact day that Yeshua (Jesus) was born.
The following multi-part article complements the 2-part article on
this website called, The Pagan Aspects of Christmas. In that article,
there is evidence from the calculated possible birth date of John the
baptist (Yochanan the Immerser), that he was born around Passover in
the spring of the year. Since John the baptist was 6 months older than
Yeshua (Jesus), that would place the birth of Yeshua in the fall of
the year around Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement), plus or minus 3
weeks. Using the Bible code, the test was to see if Yeshua was born in
the fall of the year around the time of the fall feasts of Israel, or
whether He was born on December 25.
More: eshuabirth1.html