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Site History:
The history of Adventists of Tomorrow starts with the old Compu Serv Forum that was launched on July 5th, 1994. This official church Forum was a joint project of the White Estate and the North American Division of the General Conference. It was heralded as "the most exciting development in the history of Adventist Communication." It soon became the most popular Forum in the church with more than 3,500 registered members and 13,000 regular visitors.
According to Dennis Hokama, "Many viewed the forum as a gigantic unending Sabbath School class in which members could discuss and debate any subject, from theology, to church politics to their hearts content. Although other Adventist oriented online forums exist, this was unique in that participants could expect that decision makers in the General Conference were listening in on their discussions."
Unfortunately, the church leaders were not pleased with the content of these online discussions. While Pastor Ralph Bloodgett, the Forum administrator, had envisioned the site as a resource where the members could "contact a professor at the seminary … and receive an answer a few hours later," it would never become an open or honest site about history or theology. Although he envisioned the Forum as a place where people could "download an out of print manuscript from the Ellen White Estate" and discuss issues with top church leaders, none of this would take place. Within a few years this online experiment would fail for all to see.
Although Bloodgett wanted the Forum to be a teaching and learning resource, it was not meant to address new ideas, much less express any doubts about the old traditions that had become so confusing to so many. But this was what most people wanted to discuss. They wanted to know what really happened in 1844 as well as in 1888 and 1980. Many were not shy in wanting to explore these controversial areas or to condemn the leaders for their poor management and lack of candor.
The church leadership became increasingly unhappy with the tone and direction of the online discussions. As far as they were concerned, there were too many complaints directed towards management. Besides, it was never the intention of the church to encourage theological debate or historical investigation. Rather, they wanted people to support the hierarchy and submit to their teachings; not question or doubt them.
The Silver Spring leaders were so out of touch with the Adventist Community that they completely misunderstood what was on their minds. They had underestimated the anger over Glacier View, as well as the prevailing confusion about Ellen White. They incorrectly viewed the Forum as a Public Relations tool that was meant to create good will for the church, but the opposite took place. It became a site where people could vent years of pent up frustration at the Denomination. And this is what many did.
As the 21st century drew near, the Adventist Community was in no mood to be controlled and censored into cultic submission. This was not the church of the 1950's, where people were gullible, naïve, and loyal. In fact, since Glacier View in 1980, millions had left the church; angry about what they had been taught and the way they had been treated. Now that they had the opportunity to freely express themselves online, they wanted to speak their minds and ask their own questions that were never answered when they were church members.
But this was not allowed, and thus the Forum administrator spent much of his energy trying to control, censor, and sanitize the discussions. Webmaster Bloodgett soon became obsessed with censorship as he tried in vein to keep the discussion within official church guidelines. As a consequence, many were thrown off the site for simply refusing to agree with the doctrine of the IJ or for refusing to accept Ellen White as an inspired authority. Those that wanted to delve into controversial areas, or challenge any doctrines, were also quickly exiled from the site.
It was a strange place where discussion was discouraged, controlled, and censored, -not encouraged, or promoted. It was not a workable situation. And it was only a matter of time before things would go from bad to worse.
After President Folkenberg was forced to resign for corruption in 1999, more people started to complain about the obvious mismanagement and corruption of the church. Some even spoke out forcefully about the need for Denominational repentance and reform. The more people expressed their dissatisfaction with the church leaders and their confused doctrines, the more people were silenced and locked out by Bloodgett. It became so bad that the church censors could not keep up with the negative posts. The end was near.
It was clear that the SDA leaders were not ready for honest or open communication. They had no intention of addressing the problems or answering the hard questions that daily assaulted the official church Forum. Their great experiment in Adventist Communications was failing because the leaders refused to allow free and open discussion about the issues. They would rather shut down the Forum and destroy the online Community that they had worked so hard to build rather then face the issues. (What were they hiding?)
Consequently, the church leaders shut down this very successful Forum on June 15, 2000. The Denomination's official Forum had ended in disaster, and the disappointed Mr. Blodgett took an early retirement.
The Atoday Forum
By 2000, many had discovered another online Forum that had been set up for the Adventist Community. It was part of the Atoday Magazine, a new West Coast paper that claimed to be open and honest, independent from church censorship. Consequently, many of the old Compu Serv posters migrated to Atoday, and this site quickly became the leading Adventist Forum.
Before long, there were discussions breaking out all over the Atoday site about issues that were never fully discussed on the Compu Serv Forum or in Sabbath School. The lack of church censorship allowed for deep doctrinal discussion, as well as the serious study of Adventist history. It was a pretty wild time, because the SDA's had never been allowed to think or speak without censorship or manipulation.
In addition, everyone was surprised to see that there was so much new information available about the Pioneers. Many were even more surprised to see that this historical evidence clearly debunked generations of myth and legend. It was a paradigm shifting time that made for some interesting discussions, as the words of the Pioneers were posted on the site in their proper context. Here, another version of Ellen White emerged that few knew existed; one that challenged the claims of the White Estate and overturned generations of their propaganda and fraud.
Not surprisingly, the leaders were not pleased with what was taking place at AToday. They did not want the church to discuss anything without their express permission or control. That is why they shut down their own official Forum. But now, much to their chagrin, they watched as the discussion about Adventist Reform continued at Atoday. They became alarmed as the controversial and prohibited issues were laid out in front of the entire Community. They became even more alarmed when Tom Norris started to conduct a series of interviews that focused on the difficult issues and their proposed solutions.
Suddenly, the leaders realized that the Internet would be their undoing. What if their many secrets became public, and the Community discovers that the White Estate and the Review have been foisting a fraud on the church all these years? What then?
The first series of interviews were to include; Dr. Desmond Ford, R & H Editor William Johnsson, and apologist Morris Venden. Dr. Ford went first. He was very gracious and accommodating. He answered every question put to him, including some follow up questions that came directly from the Atoday Forum. It was a landmark interview that has never been addressed, much less answered, by the church to this very day.
See Reflections On Adventism: … /intro.cfm
Shortly after Dr. Ford's interview was posted on the Atoday Forum, William Johnsson called Tom Norris to cancel his planned interview. He determined that he should not comment on these controversial areas that Dr. ford had addressed, even though this was the point of all the interviews. Although he tried to blame his withdrawal on JR Layman, an outspoken Atoday moderator, (by saying that the Forum lacked editorial discipline), he confessed that such an Interview would be too controversial for the church at this time.
It was becoming clear that the leadership wanted to operate without any scrutiny or oversight whatsoever. The Hierarchy didn't want to be held accountable for anything, nor did they want anyone to question or criticize them. They specifically did not like any discussion about 1844, 1888, or Glacier View. And the notion that the church needed comprehensive Reform was so repugnant, that no leader wanted to hear such a foreign and strange concept.
So once again, the leaders set about to silence criticism and censor any discussion about the need for Adventist Reform. Once again they were going to assault those that dared question the hierarchy and silence them. They would let everyone know who was in charge and who was not.
More Censorship
Although Atoday had advertised itself as an independent Journal, this was very misleading and untrue, as everyone was about to find out. In a desperate attempt to stop the emerging discussion about Adventist Reform, the leaders would shut down another Forum. They would rather see no discussions taking place within the Adventist community if they could not be properly censored and controlled.
Consequently, William Johnsson, put pressure on certain Atoday board members, (who worked for the church), to either censor the discussions or shut down this growing, but controversial site. This policy of censorship would be fatal for the site.
When the discussions at Atoday started to be censored, like on the previous Compu Serv Form, it made many posters angry because it was obvious that the self-serving leaders were trying to run from the facts and cover up their incompetence. They were clearly not being honest about church history or doctrine.
Rather than admit their errors and make the necessary corrections, they claimed they had everything correct, even as they took dramatic action to silence the critics. In fact, Clifford Goldstein would come online to declare that SDA's did not need any reform because all their doctrines were correct and true. But all could see that the leaders were more interested in covering up their own mistakes instead of trying to resolve the many problems that was destroying the Advent Movement.
It was sad to see how corrupt the church had become, and many were surprised that the leaders refused to enter a public discussion about church history and doctrine. They were even more stunned to see them wage an all out war against any Adventist that wanted to think and speak freely about the issues. But regardless of what anyone thought, the leaders were serious in their quest to suppress any and all discussion about Adventist Reform within the church. This is still their position today. They think and act like Papists or Communists, not like anyone that follows the teachings of Jesus and the Apostles.
Although Atoday eagerly welcomed the many online refugees from the Compu Serv Forum, they too would soon become a victim of cultic suppression and Machiavellian censorship. Even though they proudly announced the success of their Forum in their new Journal, they had no way to know that this site would also meet the same fate of the old Compu Serv Forum, and for the very same reason.
While AToday claimed to be fully open about the issues, this turned out to be deliberate propaganda. They were not independent from the church. As a result, some of the Forum posters were put on notice that the site would be shut down if they persisted in posting controversial topics about tithe, Glacier View, and church Reform.
But few paid any attention to these sudden threats. If anything, the discussions intensified. After so many years of censorship and propaganda, people were tired of not being allowed to discuss the facts in the open. They were feed up with all this cultic secrecy and mind control from the religious elites that controlled the Denomination.
People wanted to know more about Ellen White then the White Estate was willing to reveal. As well as the details about Glacier View and what Dr. Ford was really trying to say to the Adventist Community. In other words, they wanted to honestly discuss and understand the issues. And they thought that Atoday was such a place where the issues could be openly discussed and evaluated for all to see.
Then one day, with little warning to most of the posters, the Atoday site went dark! William Johnsson had not only refused to be interviewed for the Atoday Forum, as he promised, but he also determined that there should be no more interviews or discussion about the issues. Consequently, he forced the site to close down.
This is what the leaders thought about the open and honest search for truth. This is what they thought about the need for Adventist Reform. They hated it. So they shut down a second Adventist Forum in order stop the growing criticism and silence the repeated call for ADVENTIST REFORM.
Adventists of Tomorrow
At this point, in February 2002, the outspoken moderator from the Atoday Forum, JR Layman saved the day. JR, like so many others, was livid that the church would shut down such a popular site that had claimed to be free and independent of church censorship. What was the crime? Asking questions and demanding answers?
With the help of others, he defied the wishes of the Hierarchy and set up a new Adventist Forum that would be totally free from church censorship and interference. It was called Adventists of Tomorrow. Here the discussion about Adventist Reform could continue without censorship.
When the word circulated that the Atoday site was being shut down, a number of people rushed to copy the controversial threads before the plug was pulled.
As a result, a few key discussions, such as "Historic Adventism," and "Clifford Goldstein & The Investigative Judgment," were preserved from AToday and then reposted on the new ATomorrow site. Other discussions, like the famous one about the myth of New Covenant Tithing, did not survive and was re-created at a later time on ATomorrow.
As a result of JR's actions, the discussion about Adventist Reform would go forward for all to see. The details about 1844, and 1888 were still open for discussion, as was Glacier View, and a clear call for the church to repent for exiling Dr. Ford. Atomorrow came to represent a place where the difficult questions were pushed forward, and so too the answers.
Moreover, it was a place where freedom of speech and thought is considered the God given right of every Adventist, regardless of what side of the debate a person was on.
Even though the leaders repeatedly tried to deny the Adventist Community their freedom to meet online and study the issues, they failed--thanks to JR Layman. Grown adults no longer need to be treated as children, and this site represented the maturation of the Adventist Community, even as it condemned the leadership for their incompetent and dishonest behavior.
ATomorrow quickly became a place where the leaders, and all others, had to talk straight or not at all. Bluntness replaced the typical church doubletalk, even as facts were more valued than myth and legend. Clifford Goldstein learned the hard way that Traditional Adventism cannot be defended, and many were amused, as he would come online only to retreat when asked a difficult question.
Although Goldstein was known for his vocal apologetics in defense of Traditional Adventism and the IJ, he was unable to make his case in a free venue where the facts, not censorship, controlled the debate. In fact, Mr. Goldstein was supposed to be the 4th Interview. But he also ran away from that opportunity to answer Dr. Ford and enter into a serious dialogue about how to save the self-destructing Advent Movement.
Today, the Adventist Community is not looking for any more double-talk, propaganda, or censorship from their 21st century leaders. They want to know why the White Estate has been so dishonest and so wrong all these years? And why Dr. Ford had to be exiled at Glacier View? They want to know why the Advent Movement is so fractured, confused, and self-destructing, even as it has wasted billions of dollars in the process? These questions cannot be censored. Rather, they must be answered, and the problems addressed and resolved.
The SDA leaders are not above Moral or Civil law. They do not have the right to suppress the writings of the Pioneers or hide their true teachings. They do not have any right to deceive the Adventist Community, much less to mismanage and destroy the SDA church by promoting a massive fraud in the White Estate. The leadership must be held accountable for what they have done and for what they continue to do.
The Hierarchy is out of control. They have no right to stop the Adventist Community from using their minds to think and speak for themselves. How dare the Adventist leaders hide the writings of the Pioneers so they can misrepresent them, and then try to cover up what they have done by taking away the right to free speech within the Adventist Community? This is madness!
How dare the SDA leaders think they can run a Protestant church based on religious propaganda and historical fraud? This is what cults, charlatans, and Papists do, not those that claim to follow the Protestant Gospel and have embraced a mission to prepare the church for the Second Coming.
As of Dec 31, 2008, the Atomorrow site had over 70,000 posts. Many were about the difficult and prohibited issues of church history and doctrine.
There was also much debate about the IJ and Ellen White, as well as the need for the White Estate to be held accountable for their dishonest suppression of Ellen White and their misrepresentation of the Three Angels Messages. Some of these discussions were paradigm shifting in nature, even as they marked out a clear path of reforms that will save the Advent Movement.
Here is the only Forum in the Adventist Community that is dedicated to Freedom of Speech and Adventist Reform. There is no other site like it in the world.
Atomorrow Moves Forward
After seven years of battle, the outspoken JR Layman, wanted a rest. He had been refereeing innumerable debates between all sides of the issues for years. In fact, he pioneered the first open Forum in the history of the Adventist Community, and thus the church owes him a debt of gratitude. He is a modern day Pioneer who articulated a brilliant policy that allowed for meaningful discussion to continue without censorship.
JR enabled the Adventist Community the opportunity to think for themselves and say whatever they wanted to say, so long as the discussion was meant to find truth within Adventism. Thus JR would not support those that wanted to repudiate the Sabbath or the Advent Movement. Reforming Adventism was very different from destroying it, as if it had no truth or theological value. He was one of the first to understand this difference.
Note numbers 7 & 8 of JR's Forum Guidelines:
1. Please try to stay on the topic of the thread to which you post
(Otherwise it may be plucked, pruned or pasted to a more appropriate subject area.)
2. Treat others in the discussion, as you would like to be treated.
3. Treat others in the discussion, as they would like to be treated.
4. In the absence of observing guidelines 2 & 3, be prepared to receive likewise. We allow your personality to shine through, unlike other forums, which are "safe" ("PC").
5. Profanity, lewd language, or gender aggression/harassment, spamming …. WILL NOT BE TOLERATED.
6. Please do not repost extensive material. Limit "quotes" to 20 lines. Post links to it in its original location instead.
7. We recognize that there are problems in every church, including the Adventist church. Dispassionate presentations of these problems, provided that they are also documented, are acceptable. However, we discourage ranting, ravings, and "hate mail" against any church. We reserve the right to remove such posts, and permanently remove posting privileges for those who engage in this activity.
8. This discussion forum is NOT. repeat….”NOT” a hate forum toward the Seventh-day Adventist Denomination, nor is it a forum for the promotion of any other religious faith/philosophy/belief system. If that is your goal in visiting here….go somewhere else, or start your own website! Once it is apparent that controversy AGAINST the Seventh-day Denomination is your goal, vs. thoughtful discussion on possible problems within the denomination. Your post will probably be deleted!
9. For our Canadian brothers, include an "eh," every so often.
Posted on Tuesday, February 5, 2002 - 3:41 am: Forum guidelines: … 1038654776
Atomorrow reflected the fractured nature of the church, and thus the site became home to many that held opposing views. But it was this interaction and debate between the various factions that made the site interesting. The dramatic clashes between those that defended the status quo of Traditional Adventism versus those that repudiated the IJ kept the site lively and entertaining as well as informative. And so too did the addition of the non-believers and critics. They too could, and did, speak their minds. No one that had any thoughts or questions was turned away; it was a place where most every idea could have a chance.
Atomorrow was so against censorship, that they even allowed those that had become agnostic or atheist to post their views. Thus there was research, study, and debate taking place on most every topic possible. The site soon became a resource of information, especially if one knew how to use the search feature.
JR enjoyed the give and take of debate; this is what made the site interesting. He even tried to facilitate an online debate between Clifford Goldstein and Tom Norris. But Goldstein would never agree. He came to understand what most everyone soon discovered; that the IJ is not a doctrinal pillar from the 1st Angels Message as all SDA have been incorrectly taught. His only option was to repent, but the leaders had yet to admit they had made any errors.
So he would run from the questions that he could not answer, embarrassing himself and proving to all that Traditional, IJ based, Adventism cannot be defended. This simple historical truth about the definition of the Judgment in the 1st Angels Message overturns everything that SDA's have been taught for generations. Proving to all that Glacier View was a serious mistake that must be corrected.
It also explains why the leaders want to censor the discussion and control the agenda. They have been caught teaching great historical error as well as false doctrine. Traditional Adventism does not have any support from Ellen White, as the leaders have claimed all these years. Which means that Glacier View was based on false testimony from the White Estate; Traditional Adventism from Takoma Park was a historical fabrication that had no support from Ellen White. And this fact changes everything.
Today, the Advent Movement is mired in myth and corruption. They have very little correct, least of all the Three Angels Messages. This is why there must be reform and re-organization. This is the point that Atomorrow has made for all to see. The leaders cannot be trusted to tell the truth, much less enter into the necessary dialog about the issues. Pitiful.
On Dec 20, 2008, JR Layman announced that the site would be shut down at the end of the year. However, he offered to help others move these threads to another venue in order to keep the discussions about Adventist Reform moving forward.
The response was immediate as Ryan Van Dolson stepped forward to replace JR as site Administrator. He has set about to improve both the look and the content.
The new site is up and running, although it is still a work in progress. It is called JR would be pleased to know that Adventist Reform, and free speech, are still alive.
J.R. Layman died on October 15, 2009.
See: The Avalanche-Journal; Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Story last updated at 10/20/2009 - 5:26 pm
Services for J.R. Layman, 60, of Lubbock, will be at 3 p.m. today in the Seventh Day Adventist Church (5302 Elgin Ave.), with Pastor Earl Robertson officiating. Military Honors will follow and cremation arrangements are under the direction of Calvillo Funeral Home.
Mr. Layman passed away on Oct.15, 2009 in Lubbock. He was born to the late Adam and Esther Layman on Nov. 12, 1948 in Sacramento, Calif.
He served in the United States Army and was a decorated veteran of the Vietnam War, receiving the Bronze Star. He achieved the rank of E-6 and was in the Black Horse 11th Armored Cavalry Division.
He married Dr. Hedi Horsley on Jan. 17, 1981 in Dallas, Texas. She was the Office Manager in the Slaton Clinic and was a Baptist. He was preceded in death by two nephews.
He is survived by his wife, Dr. Hedi Horsley-Layman of Lubbock-Slaton Clinic; a son, Winston Layman and wife Brandi of Lubbock; a daughter, Melissa Layman of Lubbock; a granddaughter, Taylor Layman of Lubbock; one brother, Paul Layman and wife Rhoda of Kingston, Wash.; three sisters, Claudia Harr and husband Al of Deer Lodge, Tenn., Linda Schermerhorn and husband Terry of Union Springs, N.Y. and Sharon Bisignano and husband Jim of Cape Cod, Mass; a host of nieces and nephews and a myriad of friends.
Denomination Attempts to Gain Control of ATomorrow.Com
Recently, there was some behind the scenes drama with the church censors. It seems that JR’s, (which is only used for reference), was about to expire. And guess what? The church censors were ready to pounce and make it their own.
They actually tried to take control of the site so they could remove all discussion about Adventist Reform, replacing it with their own worthless church propaganda. It would have been a great triumph for the principles of censorship and religious control, (the twin pillars upon which the modern SDA church operates), if they could have pulled it off.
In fact, these cultic wolves were so anxious to destroy the record of this outspoken Forum, that they claimed ownership of the site, even managing to pull down JR’s Forum, replacing it with their own web site that promoted the SDA church.
Ryan, you were sharp to catch this. It happened so fast that I doubt many people realized that the hierarchy almost got their wish to finally shut down this dreaded site. But even if they had, -it changes nothing. The discussion about Adventist Reform is alive and well on the Internet. Now more than ever.
At some point, all Adventists will come to understand how badly their leaders have misled them about doctrine and church history. It is only a matter of time before everyone understands that the SDA church is full of false doctrine, starting with tithe, the lifeblood of all SDA corruption and evil.
No amount of censorship can change the fact that the leaders are incompetent, wrong, and dishonest. No amount of propaganda will stop the great need for Gospel Reform within the Adventist Community.
ATomorrow Site Saved!
JR’s contribution to Adventist Reform still stands in its place for all to see. … opics.html
The wolves were chased away. But they did not go far. Let all the lambs understand they are being monitored and watched by false teachers that want to silence the Gospel. So beware!
2Pet. 2:1 But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will also be false teachers among you, who will secretly introduce destructive heresies
No doubt JR would have had some choice words for these thugs that tried to remove his site. He would have lambasted them for their lack of courage to deal with the issues, out in the open for all to see. But the church leaders can’t defend their false doctrines so they use other means to try and win the debate.
This is how the dishonest SDA church operates today. They are sneaky and dishonest hypocrites. Because they can’t refute the critics, they try to censor and silence them at every opportunity. Even after they have died! (Sleep in peace, JR).
This SDA policy of censoring web sites and trying to control the agenda through propaganda, fancy graphics, and double-talk is very wrong and self-destructive. It will not work in the 21st century. Why? Because of the Internet.
Censorship will not work in a world with computers. Thus the days of dictators are fading fast. Just look at what happened in Egypt and other totalitarian places. The world has changed to such an extent that it is now impossible to censor any free speech, much less about the Gospel. But the SDA’s keep trying. When will they understand that censorship and double-talk are not fruits of the Spirit?
The Futility of Censorship
It is futile for the Denomination to try and stamp out freedom of speech and Bible study within the Adventist Community. It is futile to try and pretend that the church has no errors or false doctrines and need not repent.
The Internet cannot be controlled by the Denomination, which means that the truth cannot be silenced or revised to fit the cultic SDA storyline. Everyone now has access, through the Internet, to honest doctrine and history, exposing the fraudulent Gospel of the confused SDA’s for all to see.
Matt. 10:26 “Therefore do not fear them, for there is nothing concealed that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known.
The need for Gospel Reform within the SDA church is overwhelming and self-evident. It is biblical, necessary, and inevitable. Neither propaganda nor censorship will change such facts.
Adventist Reform On the Internet
Here is some additional information about Adventist Reform on the Internet: The present rankings for the site are not too bad. And neither is the ranking for JR’s dormant site. The All Expert site has a very good ranking, even better than Amazing facts, the White Estate, and the Review. But only a small portion deals with religion.
1.'s three-month traffic rank is 7,265,900.
2. (JR’s site) is ranked 11,370, 599. … opics.html
There are 11,370,599 sites with a better three-month global Alexa traffic rank than It has been online for more than nine years.
3. About … Norris.htm
Searchable directory of Expert Witnesses & Consultants. There are 96,333 sites with a better three-month global Alexa traffic rank than
The site is relatively popular among users in the cities of Sacramento (where it is ranked #453) and New York (#10,696), and visitors to this site spend about 28 seconds on each pageview and a total of 28 minutes on the site during each visit. has been online since 1994. The site has attained a traffic rank of 16,954 among users in the US, where roughly 87% of its audience is located.
So the discussion about Adventist Reform is growing. It cannot be successfully censored. The search engines have picked up this discussion, and now anyone can easily find it. Which means the days of the SDA Hierarchy are numbered.
Of course, the Denomination spends many millions of $$ for online propaganda every year. They have flooded the Internet with legions of their web sites. Many of which do not even carry the name SDA. So they are working hard to keep people in the dark and prevent the inevitable. Foolish SDA’s.
Major SDA Web Sites
Here are some rankings for some major SDA web sites, starting with Amazing Facts, which is a major propaganda portal for the church.
1. Amazing Facts:
Television and radio speaker Doug Batchelor's site includes Bible Answers Live, station locator, program archives, podcasts, free Bible studies, and online library.
There are 126,034 sites with a better three-month global Alexa traffic rank than Traffic rank in the US is 44,080.
The site is located in the US, and the site has been online for at least thirteen years. Compared with all internet users, the site appeals more to users who are over the age of 45; its visitors also tend to consist of men browsing from home who have attended college and have incomes under $100,000.
Search engines refer approximately 20% of visits to
('s three-month global Alexa traffic rank is 16,241,259. The site has been online for more than thirteen years, and it is located in the US.)
2. Ellen G. White Estate: The Official Ellen G. White Website
Ellen White's online-books, a searchable database of Ellen White's complete published writings, Ellen White's biography, an Issues and Answers section on Ellen White, background history, photographs, CD-ROM, and information about Ellen White are offered.
There are 236,560 sites with a better three-month global Alexa traffic rank than This site's content places it in the “Books Online” category.
The site has been online since 1998, and is located in the US. About 41% of visits to this site are bounces (one pageview only). US Ranked 90,308.
3. Adventist Review:
Current issue contents, printable edition, back issues for 1999 available in PDF. has a three-month global Alexa traffic rank of 582,919.
Visitors to the site spend about two minutes per visit to the site and two minutes per pageview. Relative to the overall population of Internet users, the site's users tend to have incomes between $30,000 and $60,000, and they are disproportionately women.
While is ranked #183,990 in the US, where about 55% of its visitors are located, it is also popular in Australia, where it is ranked #46,147, and the site is located in the US.
There are hundreds more SDA web sites, all trying to hide the fact that the Denomination is full of false doctrine and corruption. But the truth is emerging for all to see, and so to a clear path of Adventist Reform.
Today, we live in an unprecedented era of democracy and freedom of information. Those religions, like the SDA’s, that try to grow through manipulation, misinformation, and censorship will fail.
Matt. 7:15 “Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves.
Let all beware the dishonest SDA’s!
Tom Norris for Adventist Reform
Last edited by tom_norris (02-24-11 8:13 pm)
Pages: 1