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#1 01-14-09 2:26 pm

Adventist Reform
From: Silver Spring, Md
Registered: 01-02-09
Posts: 877

80th Birthday Tribute to Dr. Ford

Dr. Desmond Ford to mark 80th Birthday!

There is a celebration at 12.00 noon, February 1st at: 

The Freemasons Centre
17 Cleveland Road,
Stones Corner, Brisbane, Aus.


Those that cannot attend, can send messages instead.   

In fact, A compilation of messages from Australia and the rest of the world will be presented to Dr Ford at the celebration.

Please direct your good wishes and thanks to Dr. Ford to the e-mail below:   


Phone 61-7-3849 7889, Fax 61-7-3343 2222

Last edited by tom_norris (03-27-10 11:51 am)


#2 02-09-09 2:58 am

Adventist Reform
From: Silver Spring, Md
Registered: 01-02-09
Posts: 877

Re: 80th Birthday Tribute to Dr. Ford

Dear Friends,

Over one hundred well-wishers attended Des's celebration party on Sunday the 1st February. The highlight for Des was the messages you sent which conveyed the extent to which his life work has impacted on so many. The compilation of these messages in fact is an inspiration to read and a valuable testimony to the influence of Des's tireless and cogent preaching of the gospel down through the years.

I have asked Gillian what Des’s thoughts would be about sending these messages out as an E-book to all on their email list should we obtain the consent of each source, and he approves the idea. Accordingly, could you kindly click a return email to me with one of the following messages concerning inclusion of your original message in the E-book:

1. I approve the sending of my message in full

2. I approve the sending of my message in full but without my name

3. I wish to revise my message as follows or attached

No message will be included without your consent.

Bear in mind that this compilation will become a unique reference to the influence of Des’s life through personal written testimony and thus a valuable historical document. Your input will be much appreciated.

If you were not able to send a message previously, it is now not too late, and it will be forwarded on to Des as well as being included in the compilation

With sincere thanks,

Kevin Ferris

mail to:"

Last edited by tom_norris (03-27-10 11:54 am)


#3 02-14-09 12:36 pm

Adventist Reform
From: Silver Spring, Md
Registered: 01-02-09
Posts: 877

Re: 80th Birthday Tribute to Dr. Ford

Dr. Ford Tribute

Today, the mere mention of Dr. Ford's name brings instant recognition, and polarization, to the Adventist Community. His exile from the SDA Denomination in 1980 was a tragic mistake that resulted in the greatest of all SDA schisms, - one that is still ongoing to this very day.   

In fact, since Glacier View, millions have left the SDA church because they agree with Dr. Ford's theology and repudiate the legalistic doctrine of the Investigative Judgment.  Thanks to Dr. Ford, the vast majority of Adventists now dismiss this silly propaganda associated with Old Covenant, hierarchical Adventism. 

Although Dr. Ford's views were purposefully demonized and misrepresented by the church leaders, many have since came to understand that he was correct.  It was the church leaders who were guilty of denying the fundamentals from Historic Adventism, not Dr. Ford.  They were the ones fighting against the Gospel as well as against the views of the Pioneers.   Thus the leaders presented false testimony from Ellen White against Dr. Ford at Glacier View, even as the White Estate was actively suppressing the facts that would have exonerated his position.   

At that time, few understood that Dr. Ford's controversial position, which interprets the Judgment in the 1st Angels Message as the 2nd Coming, was the unanimous view of the Pioneers.  This is what Miller, Bates, and the Whites always taught.  In fact, there was never a time in Battle Creek when anyone, including Andrews or Smith, ever claimed that the IJ was located in Rev 14: 7, as the church still teaches to this very day.  But few knew these facts, which prove Traditional Adventism impossible, absurd, and very wrong. 

At Glacier View, Dr. Ford defended the original and genuine version of the Three Angels Messages.  He was standing in full support of Ellen White's view of the Judgment and the Gospel, as well as Prophecy.  But few knew it because the leaders had no idea that the White Estate had been hiding thousands of documents so that they could promote fabrication and fraud to generations of unsuspecting church members.  The White Estate deceived the church about the Pioneers view of the Gospel, the Judgment, and hermeneutics. Had it not been for Dr. Ford, few would have realized the difference between truth and error, or that the Takoma Park leaders had gone corrupt and were not to be trusted.

In hindsight, Dr. Ford is the most well known, talented, and courageous scholar that the modern SDA church has ever produced.  He is a Gospel Reformer that in spite of persecution and slander has stood firm for the truth of the Three Angels Messages, including the Gospel Sabbath.   

Dr. Ford is a modern day Adventist Pioneer who fits the mold of a Paul or Luther.  He can also be compared with men like William Miller or E. J. Waggoner.  Like all these religious reformers, he refused to be manipulated by tradition or fear, choosing instead to be true to the Word above all else.   

Speaking as someone who has been researching Ellen White for almost 40 years, there is no doubt in my mind that Ellen White would have supported Dr. Ford at Glacier View.  Just as she did with Waggoner.  Nor is there any doubt that she would have condemned the dishonest and incompetent leaders that were supporting the many errors of Traditional Adventism.   

Glacier View was a catastrophe for the Advent Movement.  Unless this sad chapter in SDA history is corrected and made right, the Denomination will continue to self-destruct.   

But all is not lost for the Advent Movement.  Dr. Ford has pointed out the correct path.  He is a paradigm shifter that has set the stage for the final Advent Message to be developed and proclaimed.  His work has paved the way for the Advent Movement to return to the historic view of the 1st Angels Message, which correctly interprets the "hour of his Judgment has come" as only the Second Coming, -and never the IJ.   

Such an admission will represent a return to the genuine version of the Three Angels Messages.  It will allow the Gospel to become the primary doctrine for the church, even as the Second Coming once again becomes a featured doctrine of the Advent Movement. 

In conclusion, Dr. Ford was correct to stand up and defend the original and genuine version of the Three Angels Message.  In contrast, the leaders were very wrong to defend the many myths and errors that were being promoted by the White Estate and the Review.  The church was even more wrong to later promote "Pluralism" which is an obvious admission of doctrinal confusion.

At some point, the Adventist Community must understand that Dr. Ford is owed an apology from those he has been trying to help all these years.  More than that, he is owed the greatest of accolades for preserving the Fundamentals that define and empower the great Advent Movement. 

Dr. Ford is a true Seventh-day Adventist Christian. It has been my privilege and honor to know this great Scholar and Gospel preacher for more than 30 years.  He is the father of Adventist Reform, and thus his influence will continue to be felt far into the future.  I salute him!

Warmest Regards,

Tom Norris, for Adventist Reform

Last edited by tom_norris (03-27-10 11:58 am)


#4 03-30-09 2:06 pm

Adventist Reform
From: Silver Spring, Md
Registered: 01-02-09
Posts: 877

Re: 80th Birthday Tribute to Dr. Ford

Dr. Ford Tribute:

DES FORD E-BOOK - pdf.pdf


#5 03-30-09 2:13 pm

Adventist Reform
From: Silver Spring, Md
Registered: 01-02-09
Posts: 877

Re: 80th Birthday Tribute to Dr. Ford

Here is the link to Dr. Ford's Birthday Book of Messages: … ssages-vi/

Last edited by tom_norris (03-27-10 12:02 pm)


#6 01-02-10 10:59 pm

Registered: 12-20-09
Posts: 23

Re: 80th Birthday Tribute to Dr. Ford

Back in the seventies, I was listening to a lot of taped sermons: Morris Venden, Graham Maxwell, Elder Lehman, Steve Marshall, Leslie Hardinge. I was refinishing furniture, so I would listen to these sermons as I worked. 

I heard a tape by Dr. Ford. On one side was a sermon, "The Beautiful Rogue." On the other side a sermon "Keyhole on Heaven and Hell." Talk about transcendent. The real beauty was the spiritual applications and typology regarding Jesus. These OT stories came alive with beautiful spiritual truth regarding the work of Christ.

Suddenly David defeating Goliath meant something to me, as I saw in that epic battle Christ, my representative. The story of the four lepers in Kings, enjoying the spoils of a victory won by another on their behalf, absolutely thrilling.

At that point, the real hatred for Des, manifested through fantastic lies and other things, had not yet manifested itself. Not long after, I was warned that what many thought to be the power of the HS accompanying the sermons of Des was nothing more than rhetorical tricks he learned during his doctoral studies.

Skip ahead thirty years. GNU, Auburn. New tapes, sermons, seminars still full of the same wonderful gospel expositions, Christ centered, redemptive, spiritual, profound.   Yet I still encountered the same false accusations against Des, a satanic fury manifested by those who knew or understood not what they were saying.

Certainly, Des is eloquent. The content of his sermons, however, is what really sets them apart from others. 

The redemptive application of the blood of Christ to the mind of those who hear and believe his sermons is the work of the Holy Spirit. For that I thank both GOD and Des.


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