Adventists for Tomorrow

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#1 01-26-09 12:19 am

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 1,391

Emotion vs. Rationality

People choose with both their hearts and reason. <BR> <BR>In marriage, the heart pushes one toward the future mate, but where does reason come in?  If the loved one is lazy, doesn&#39;t have a job or future, does love override reason?  Or do we try to balance two opposing ideals? <BR> <BR>In religious belief we also want to trust our emotions--our heart for faith and belief.  What part should reason play in establishing faith? <BR>Is faith devoid of reason?  How can we balance our faith with rational understanding? <BR> <BR>Or, is religion built solely on faith:  faith on the unseen and unknowable?  No one has seen a dead person brought back to life; no one has seen heaven, yet the Christian faith is built on those two rationally impossible concepts: life after death and heaven--things no rational human has ever seen. <BR> <BR>Should we dismiss reason and go solely on faith without evidence &#40;Hebrews 11?&#41;  Or should we &#34;reason together&#34; and approach belief that can be analyzed and explained.  Or, is that expecting the impossible? <BR> <BR>What is you faith and belief built on?  And is it rational to the non-believer, or should it be?


#2 01-30-09 2:01 am

Registered: 01-07-09
Posts: 367

Re: Emotion vs. Rationality

<font color="0000ff">What is you faith and belief built on?</font> <BR> <BR>Life is meaningful, children deserve the best we have to give them. <BR> <BR>Life is now.  Children are now.


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