Adventists for Tomorrow

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#1 03-19-09 4:57 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 1,391

Violence: What have we wrought?

One of hundreds of comments on the violence against Rhianna from her boyfriend.  But not too long ago there was a lengthy discussion here about parental corporal punishment.  This is what is begets: <BR> <BR>Parent&#40;s&#41; who inflict physical pain on their children as punishment for this or that digression are teaching the child a life long lesson. <BR> <BR>The original miss-behavior is quickly forgotten, but the fact that it is alright for big people to beat on small people when angry is imprinted. <BR> <BR>Beaten children will almost always beat their children and often their wives, and, unfortunately, sometimes worse. <BR> <BR>When judging a future husband find out if his parents beat him when young. If so, keep on looking.


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