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In order to answer the question "can't we all just get along", I believe secularization is of value, because certain people will not change their views, so to prevent anarchy, they are accomodated. <BR> <BR>Some claim cultures have fallen as morality decreased, a lesson to learn from history, they say, lest we repeat the mistakes. I tend to believe that is the "slippery slope" that we all should fear. With no moral compass, and pure greed and immorality, that could be the result if no restraint or regulation is imposed. Who knows what diseases like HIV/AIDS are lurking out there as man crosses borders of morality never before crossed, or crossed and learned from in past history.
We certainly don't want to be Reconstructionist like the far right wackos, do we now??? You know like Jerry Falwell was and Pat Robertson. <BR> <BR>There version of what society should look like might scare a few SDAs.
What choices do we have: a "secular" society, or what is the alternative? Surely, no one would want a religious society. That was tried and used for hundreds of years both in Europe and in the early settlement of the U.S. No, No No!