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#1 06-29-09 3:44 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 1,391

Paying Girls Not to Get Pregnant

<b><font size="+1">Paying Girls Not to Get Pregnant </font></b> <BR>  <BR>With the recent rise in teen pregnancy, it&#39;s clear that efforts to get young people to either abstain from sex or use birth control are falling short.  <BR> <BR>Any ideas as to how to fix the problem are welcome, so it&#39;s not surprising that a program that aims to get girls through high school without getting pregnant is getting a lot of media attention. In short, the young women in the College Bound Sisters program at the University of North Carolina Greensboro are offered a simple bargain: They&#39;re paid a dollar for every day they don&#39;t get pregnant.  <BR> <BR>The program, funded through a state grant and private donations, is open only to girls ages 12-18 who have an older sister who had a baby as a teen. Participants have to express interest in attending college, can never have been pregnant themselves and are required to attend an hour-and-a-half-long weekly meeting at the university &#40;so they have to live nearby&#41;. And they don&#39;t get to spend the money right away; it&#39;s socked away and disbursed upon the girls&#39; enrolling in a college.  <BR> <BR>Seems fine to me -- even though nobody ever paid ME not to get pregnant. But some folks have raised objections, saying offering incentives for behaving well isn&#39;t appropriate; one source likened it to offering kids cash for not smoking pot. &#40;I remember being jealous of friends who got paid for good grades; my parents told me they expected me to get good grades without being bribed.&#41; <BR> <BR>One odd thing about this story: The program is not new -- it&#39;s been around at least since 2002 and probably before -- and I can&#39;t figure out why it&#39;s suddenly in the news. I tried to contact the folks who run the program but hadn&#39;t heard from anyone yet. I want to know, for instance, how successful the program&#39;s been over the years and how many participants in fact go on to college, among other things. I&#39;ll post an update when I get return call. <BR> <BR>What do you think? Is this dollar-a-day idea a good one that perhaps deserves to be implemented more broadly, or is it just a bribe?


#2 06-30-09 9:33 am

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 1,121

Re: Paying Girls Not to Get Pregnant

<b><font color="0000ff">required to attend an hour-and-a-half-long weekly meeting</font></b> <BR> <BR>At $7.00 per week for a 1.5 hour meeting. That&#39;s about $4.67 per hour to attend the meeting. Perhaps an incentive for poor girls who don&#39;t get allowance. <BR> <BR>The main benefit of this program would come from the weekly meeting if it provides social interaction and intelligent dialogue. <BR> <BR>&#40;Message edited by Don on June 30, 2009&#41;


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