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<font color="ff0000">Prostitutes Offer Free Climate Summit Sex</font> <BR> <BR><a href="" target=_top>,15 18,665182,00.html</a> <BR> <BR>That ought to warm things up after the controversey that things are cooling off. <BR> <BR>Note: <BR> <BR><blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1><b>quote:</b></font><p>Climate thought starters <BR> temperature <BR> <BR>*The earth today is not the warmest it has ever been. Global temperatures were as much as 2 degrees centigrade warmer more than a few times including the Medieval and Roman Periods. chart 1, chart 2 <BR> <BR>*For most of the past 10,000 years the earth was warmer than todays temperatures. link <BR> <BR>*2000 years of global temperature data, note the current global warming starting in the mid 1700s, well before man started producing much CO2 link <BR> <BR>*The warmest year ever recorded in the USA was 1934, link. The coldest, in the mid 1970s, a period when some scientists and most of the press said the earth was heading toward global cooling if not a return of glaciation. link link link link <BR> <BR>Warmest years in the USA from 1900 to today according to NASA link 1934 1998 1921 1906 1931 1999 1953 1990 1938 1939 <BR> <BR>*five of the ten warmest years since 1900 were before 1940! <BR> <BR>*the warmest decade was the 1930s link <BR> <BR>*US temperatures have only risen .2 degrees F from 1940! <BR> <BR>*see how often state's have set temperature records since 1884 link <BR> <BR>*24 of the 50 US States had their highest ever recorded temperature in the 1930s link <BR> <BR>*Using just the US rural temperature data (not including temperature sensors near urban areas due to the urban heat island affect), today's US rural temperatures are cooler than those of the 1930's. (David Archibald) link <BR> <BR>*Global temperatures declined from 1945 through 1979, yet his was a period of rapid industrial expansion and increasing CO2 production throughout the world. If CO2 and temperatures are linked, why did temperatures fall? link <BR> <BR>*year of continental record high temperatures: <BR> <BR>Europe 1881 <BR>Australia 1889 <BR>South America 1905 <BR>Oceana 1912 <BR>North America 1913 <BR>Africa 1922 <BR>Asia 1942 <BR>Antartica 1974 link <BR>*Global temperatures have declined in five of the last seven decades even though CO2 levels increased throughout this same period. <BR> <BR>According to the 351 year temperature record for central England (CET) as maintained by the UK Met Office, England Summer temperatures in the 20th Century were cooler than those of the 18th Century link <BR> <BR>*a survey of US weather stations shows that 80% of them are poorly maintained and located and have a warming bias of several degrees due to land use changes. link <BR> <BR>*global temperatures mysteriously jumped when nearly 50% of all global weather stations (many in rural areas) stopped recording climate in the early 1990s. link <BR> <BR>*the 20th Century temperature increase was .6 degrees. In 2007, world temperatures declined .7 degrees according to the 4 most respected sources of temperature tracking, HadCRUTT. RSS. UAH, GISS This is the fastest cooling ever recorded. The 20th Centuries global warming of .6 degrees was reversed in a single year. <BR> <BR>*global temperatures have been cooling since 2002 link <BR> <BR>*earths temperatures are not constant. There were 23 periods of cooling and warming in the past 500 years with the average cycle being 27 years long. There were two cooling and warming periods in the past 100 years alone. 1880-1915 was a period of cooling 1915-1945 was a period of warming 1945-1977 was a period of cooling 1977-1998 was a period of warming 1998-the present, it has been cooling, all related to changes in solar activity and the Pacific El Nino and La Nina cycles link <BR> <BR>Global temperatures today are among the coolest in the last 500 million years link <BR> <BR>*The yearly average number of sunspots per year from 1991 through 2007 were 1,361, (according to the S.I.D.C.). Through September of 2008, we are one pace for only 56 sunspots for the entire year. Where is the global warming? <BR> <BR>*After the Medieval Period the world cooled 4 degrees centigrade, causing the "Little Ice Age". This was a period of glacial advance from the mid 1400's to mid 1800's. Then the world began to warm once again. Many of the glaciers that are now retreating were ones that grew during this "Little Ice Age". <BR> <BR>*The fastest global temperature change ever recorded was from 1696 to 1732. Temperatures declined 2.2 degrees centigrade, which is 4 times the rate of temperature change and three times the speed of the .6 degree change in temperature of the hundred years of the 20th Century. <BR> <BR>*while it is true that there has been some warming in the northern hemisphere in the last part of the 20th Century the southern hemisphere has shown no increase and has actually been cooling. link <BR> <BR>*There has been some global warming in the second half of the 20th century but the temperature peaked in 1998 and it has been cooling since. Four of the five most active solar cycles since the 1600's were in this same period of warming. Active solar cycles historically have caused warming temperatures. <BR> <BR>*The winter of 2007-2008 had the most snow cover in North America, Asia, and Siberia in over 60 years. <BR> <BR>*China had its worst winter in over 50 years in the winter of 2007-2008 link <BR> <BR>*Many areas of the world experienced a harsh winter in 2007-2008. Quite a few had record low temperatures and it snowed in Baghdad the first time in a century (link), and Saudia Arabia experienced the coldest temperatures in 20 years (link) <BR> <BR>*Warming periods in earth's history have been ones where mankind has largely prospered due to higher crop yields. Cooling periods are ones where mankind has historically suffered, from lower crop yields, hunger, and disease. <BR>If people had a choice between cooling and warming, wouldn't most chose warming? <BR>*There was global warming in the late 20th Century (these temperatures are now falling). But it was no hotter than earlier periods, it was just less cold. The Summer's high temperatures were no warmer, the low temperatures were just not as low. The global warming was not on the high side of temperatures, it was on the low side of temperature ranges. (Patrick Michael) <BR>*Land temperatures have increases (but this is probably the result of urban growth which have encroached on land based temperature sensors) link. Upper atmosphere and sea temperatures have not increased. If CO2 was causing the higher land temperatures the seas and upper atmosphere should also be warming, but they are not. (Patrick Michael) <BR> <BR> CO2 <BR>*The increase in CO2 as a percentage of the atmosphere since 1750 is only 1/10,000th, or (100ppm). link <BR> <BR>*CO2 is a trace gas. It is less than 4/100ths of one percent of gases in the atmosphere. link <BR> <BR>*of the 186 billion tons of CO2 that enters into the atmosphere yearly only 3.2% is from human activity, the rest is from the oceans, volcanoes, and decaying plant matter. link <BR> <BR>*there was 15 times more CO2 in the atmosphere than today during the Ordovician-Sulurian glaciation, 5 times more during the Cretaceous-Jurassic glaciation, and more also during the Permain glaciation. link <BR> <BR>*CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere have been as much as 25 times what they are today. Current CO2 concentrations are among the lowest in the past billion years. link <BR> <BR>*atmospheric CO2 is generally much lower than most of the last 500 million years link link <BR> <BR>*CO2 is a trace gas, it is less than 4/100's of 1% of all gases in the atmosphere. Of the 186 billion tons of CO2 that enters the earth's atmosphere every year only 6 billion tons are from human activity, the rest is from natural causes (decaying vegatation, volcanic activity, and the oceans). Man only contributes 3% of CO2 in the atmosphere. If CO2 truly caused global warming like they say it does there would have been a catastrophe long ago. link <BR> <BR>*CO2 is a trace gas, it is less than 4/100's of 1% of all gases in the atmosphere. Of the 186 billion tons of CO2 that enters the earth's atmosphere every year only 6 billion tons are from human activity, the rest is from natural causes (decaying vegatation, volcanic activity, and the oceans). Man only contributes 3% of CO2 in the atmosphere. If CO2 truly caused global warming like they say it does there would have been a catastrophe long ago. link <BR>*without greenhouse gases global temperatures would average 4 below zero F instead of the 59F we now enjoy. <BR>*CO2 only makes up 1/10,000th more of the atmosphere than in 1750, an increase of 100ppm. link <BR>*There is very little CO2 in the air. Of each one million molecules in the atmosphere only 380 are CO2. <BR>*The CO2 level in the atmosphere is 380 ppm. Before industrialization it was 270 ppm. CO2's increasing volume in the atmosphere has grown only 1/10,000th since the beginning of industrialization. Plant growth slows as CO2 levels below 220ppm and plants stop growing at CO2 levels of 150ppm. Man and animal life were near extinction due the lack of CO2 link <BR>*water vapor makes up 95% of all greenhouse gases. CO2 is only 3.6% of greenhouse gases, and since man only contributes 3.2% of all CO2 into the atmosphere, less than 1% of all greenhouse gasses come from human activity. Dr. Michael R. Fox <BR>*the oceans hold 50 times more CO2 than the atmosphere, and it is at equilibrium. If this rate continues atmospheric CO2 can not rise substantially because the sea will absorb most of it. <BR>*people get sick at CO2 concentrations above 5,000ppm. There are no scenarios that CO2 will get anywhere near this high, no matter how much the CO2 is produced burning fossil fuels. Many say the high limit is 600 ppm, with nature absorbing the rest. Fossil fuels will run out before CO2 concentrations will get over this level. <BR>*during one ice age the atmospheric CO2 was ten times the level of today. Clearly CO2 did not stop this ice age from occurring. Either CO2 doesn't have much impact on climate or the sun's reduced energy caused the ice age, or both. <BR>*plants grow up to 50% faster with CO2 levels of 1000ppm. They grow 15% faster with today's level of CO2, which has led to higher crop production. <BR>*Greenhouses use 1,000 PPM of CO2 to increase plant growth. Higher concentrations of CO2 increase crop production. <BR>*Plants in arid regions of the earth need less water to grow due to higher concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere. <BR>*the oceans hold 50 times more CO2 than the atmosphere. This CO2 is given up to the atmosphere as water warms and it absorbs more CO2 as it cools. <BR>*today's atmospheric concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is among the lowest in the last 600 million years. Where is the global warming? <BR>*There has only been a 1/10,000th increase in atmospheric CO2 since the beginning of the industrial age. It is hard to think that this small concentration will melt the worlds ice. Suppose CO2 dropped by an equal amount, would it cause an Ice Age? I don't think so! Where is the global warming? <BR>*global CO2 concentrations in the late Ordovician Period were 12 times what they are today (4,400 ppm) yet this did not stop an ice age from occurring. Where is the global warming? <BR> Polar Ice <BR> <BR>*Antarctica's represents 90% of the world's ice and 70% of its fresh water. Antarctica's sea ice volume was the largest ever recorded in 2008. <BR>*Antarctic sea ice extent in 2008 exceeded 1979 in ten of eleven months. Average ice extent was over 17% larger than in 1979. Sea ice thickness was also larger. link <BR> <BR>*In October and early November 2008 the Arctic sea ice grew at the fastest rate ever recorded (43,804 square miles per day) link <BR> <BR>*Arctic Sea ice is increasing at a record rate in 2008, early 2009 link <BR> <BR>*While it is true there has been generally less Summer Arctic Sea Ice in the past two decades this loss has been entirely offset by the growth of ice in the Antarctic. When you combine both poles, there has been no net reduction in global ice! link link <BR> <BR>*The volume of Antarctic ice in 2008 was averaging one million square kilometers more than normal. Summer ice melt was 40% below the average. link <BR> <BR>*The 2008 Summer Arctic ice melt was 9% less than the record of 2007. 1,700,000 square miles of Arctic ice did not melt this year. link <BR> <BR>*There is evidence that the Artic sea ice completely melted at least four times before man first walked the earth. Tropical turtle fossils have been found in the Arctic, proving this area was once much warmer than today. link <BR> <BR>*On Oct 15, 2008 Arctic sea ice had grown 29% larger than in the previous year. link <BR> <BR>*Arctic sea ice was 220,000 square miles larger in Nov '08 than Nov '07link <BR> <BR>*Greenland's temperatures today are cooler than those of the 1940's link NASA GISS link <BR> <BR>*recent studies have shown that winds have a larger impact on polar ice formation than does temperature. Changes in winds and sea currents at both poles have caused an increase in ice formation, even though there has not been significant temperature variation in this period. link <BR> <BR>*The Winter of 2007-2008, had most ice between Greenland and Canada in 15 years. link <BR>*If all the floating ice in the world melted, what would happen to the sea level? Answer: The sea would not rise but could go lower, since ice has more volume than water. The melting of floating sea ice can not raise sea levels, no matter how much ice there is. link <BR>*If land based ice, such as the 650,000 cubic kilometers of ice on Greenland melted the seas would rise considerably. But, in even the worse case, only one tenth of one percent of Greenland's ice could possibly melt in the 21st century. It would 10,000 years or more to melt under the worst scenarios. (since most of Greenland is well below freezing much of the year, and most likely this melting would be interrupted by another Ice Age, don't worry, Greenland's ice won't melt like some say it will). link <BR>*When the glaciers of the ice age melted the sea levels only rose one meter per century. If Greenland was to melt at the same rate today sea levels would only rise 4 inches per century according to Prof Morner. There is no possibility of coastal flooding from global warming. link <BR>*There was considerable ice melt in Greenland during the Midieval warm period (this is when the Vikings colonized it), yet sea level did not rise higher than the sea level found today! How do we know this? The Tower of London was built at sea level in 1150 AD, the sea is the same level today as depicted in paintings from the time it was built. link <BR>*The warmest temperatures ever recorded in Greenland were in the 1930's. link <BR>*If all the land based ice melted, yes the seas would rise, but there would be about the same amount of livable land than there is today since Antarctica and Greenland would become habitable. (but don't worry, this won't happen). <BR> Solar Impact <BR> *Solar winds are at 50 year low according to NASA, who says that the sun's output is at the lowest level ever recorded by modern instruments (announced on 9/23/2008) link <BR>*Solar activity as measured by the number of sunspots (RI), Solar Influences Data Analysis Center S.I.D.C., shows recent dramatic changes in the sun. From 1991 to 2007 the average yearly sunspot total was 1,099. In 2008 there were only 55.4 sunspots, a reduction of 95%. link <BR>*solar Geomagnetic Ap Index is the lowest ever recorded, from the start of tracking in 1932. This correlates with past cooling. link <BR>*Solar Cycle 23 which will soon be ending will be the longest solar cycle since 1796 and solar cycle 24, which is now beginning, will most likely be very weak. This is a strong indicator that the earth will be cooling and this period will last at least 30 years or more. (this is based on 250 years of observing the relationship between solar output and temperatures.) <BR>*using temperature date from the mid 1700's and early 1800's until the present, the current solar activity should cause temperature declines up to 4 degrees from the high in 1998. The temperature increase in the 20th Century was only .6 degrees, so the expected cooling will be much more severe than the warming. <BR>*Changing solar activity and temperatures are closely linked link <BR>*There is a long and historic correlation between solar cycle length and global temperature. Short cycles have historically led to warming periods and longer cycles to cooling periods on earth. Solar cycle length has more impact on temperature than solar cycle amplitude (height). Solar cycles average 10.7 years in length but few are this long, most are either shorter than the average or longer. The solar cycles in the latter part of the 20th Century have been shorter ones, and thus the warming. 4 of the 5 shortest solar cycles since the 1600's were in the second half of the 20th century. But the current cycles are different. Cycle 23, which is now ending, is 12 years five months long (as of Oct 2008) and is likely to be well over 13 years long. The last time we had a solar cycle this long was 1796 when the world was plunged into the Dalton Minimum, a period of very cold temperatures between 1796 and 1830. The three solar cycles during that cold period were 13.6, 12.3, and 12.7 years long. If the past is a predictor of the future, solar cycle 23 and a weak solar cycle 24 will lead the world into another cold period similar to the Dalton Minimum. This period will last at least 30 years. S0 where is the global warming? <BR>*The yearly average number of sunspots per year from 1991 through 2007 were 1,361, (according to the S.I.D.C.). Through September of 2008, we are one pace for only 56 sunspots for the entire year. Where is the global warming? <BR>*Changes in atmospheric concentrations of CO2 has always followed changes in global temperatures and not visa versa. The Oceans are huge collectors of CO2, in warming periods they release CO2 to the atmosphere and in cooling periods the oceans absorb more CO2. Maybe warming caused by increased output from the sun has helped cause some of the higher concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere. A cooling earth will cause more CO2 to be absorbed by the oceans and may impact CO2 density in the atmosphere. Where is the global warming? <BR> <BR> Polar Bears <BR>*The Polar Bear population is at a record high in 2008, five times more than in the 1950's. No matter how you count it, there are more polar bears today than at any time in recent memory. <BR>*Over 600 polar bears are legally hunted every year. <BR>*Polar Bears mate on land. Their favorite food besides seal meat is blueberries (also found on land). <BR>*Polar bears, during the normal Summer Arctic ice melt, either migrate to land or further north where there is no melting. <BR>*In the last 10,000 years Polar Bears have survived several warming periods when the Arctic had severe Summer melting, and most likely melted entirely. <BR>*Polar Bear populations are thriving due to the abundance of seals, their primary food source. So long as seal populations thrive, so will the Polar Bears. <BR>*the species name for Polar Bears is Ursus Maritimus, Latin for sea bear. Polar Bears are excellent swimmers and have been known to swim as far as 200 miles. link <BR> Storms <BR> <BR>*The number of hurricanes per year that hit the US 1901-1950 were 1.94, and only 1.41 from 1951-2001, 28% less. The 1901-1950 hurricanes were also more powerful on average. But property damage from coastal storms has increased due to over development, higher population density, and falling land levels such as at Galveston TX, where land has sunk over 4 feet due to settling and fossil fuel extraction. (Patrick Michael) Where is the global warming? <BR> Ocean Acidification <BR>*The oceans are not likely to become acidic from higher concentrations of CO2 anytime soon. It would take 3,500 years for the oceans to become even slightly acidic at current rates. link Where is the global warming? <BR>*Coral reefs thrived during the Ordovician Era when there was ten times more CO2 in the atmosphere. They also thrived when global temperatures were +10C warmer than today. Link Where is the global warming? <BR> Summary <BR>*there has been global cooling for the past eight years as global temperatures have been declining <BR>*There are signs of global cooling since there is a record amount of sea ice in Antarctica and temperatures have been declining in most of the continent for the last fifty years <BR>*Solar activity is the lowest level of the space age. There are 400 years of solar records. Whenever the sun is less active there is global cooling. There is no deviation. <BR>*There were three ice ages with more CO2 than today. CO2 does not have much impact on global temperatures, does not cause global warming or global cooling. <BR>*The PDO has moved into a cool phase, which can lead to global cooling. <BR>*If the past is a predictor of the future the earth is headed into a 30 year period of global cooling. Global cooling is much worse for mankind than global warming. Many more people die from the cold than heat. Crop yields will be reduced and global hunger increased from global cooling. <BR> Conclusion <BR>*"To get to the truth of what drives global climate one must first separate politics from science." Where is the global warming? <BR>*with all the evidence above, doesn't the theory of global warming appear similar to the Y2k fear? Where is the global warming? <BR> <BR> <BR><!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote> <BR> <BR>(Message edited by Bob_2 on December 06, 2009)
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