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Didn't see this posted already. <BR> <BR><a href="" target=_top> stm</a> <BR> <BR>RIP Mrs. Clark Halderman.
Rest in peace, Bonnie. <BR> <BR>I was so drawn to go see her before I left Texas. There were things I wanted to ask her. But I didn't. <BR> <BR>Only God knows what this tragic tale was all about.
Note the origin of this problem, lack of discipline, by Bonnie, and probably the way she raised her kid: <BR> <BR><blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1><b>quote:</b></font><p>1959 -- David Wayne Howell was born in Houston on August 17, 1959. He did not <BR>know who his real mother was until he was five years old. Bonnie Clark, <BR>his mother, became pregnant with Koresh at the age of 14 after sleeping <BR>with a 20-year-old carpenter named Bobby Howell. The pair remained <BR>unmarried. Two years later his father met another woman and left. <BR><!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote> <BR> <BR><a href="" target=_top></a> <BR> <BR>Wha a start to terrible life ending in such tragedy. <BR> <BR>No disrespect to the dead but one must own up to what one creates for themselves, eh???
My ex-husband called just now. He conducted the funeral service for Bonnie Haldeman today. <BR> <BR>He's gone to the Tyler, Texas church for many years, but in the last year has helped found a satellite church in Chandler, Texas, where Bonnie lived (and I used to live also). <BR> <BR>Bonnie used to attend his Sabbath School class in recent times, and when they started the Chandler church, she started attending there. <BR> <BR>The Tyler pastor was going to conduct the service, but there was some question about possible negative media, so they asked the Conference President, who thought it best not to. <BR> <BR>Then it went up to the Union President, who also thought that. <BR> <BR>Then it went up to the NAD President. Same. <BR> <BR>Finally someone got hold of Jan Paulsen, who was out of the country. He thought the local people should decide. <BR> <BR>The Tyler pastor was perfectly willing to do it, but by that time Bob, my ex-husband, had had time to prepare, and the pastor hadn't, so Bob did it. <BR> <BR>That's the story as best I recall Bob telling me. If there are inaccuracies, they didn't come from Bob. <BR> <BR>Bob was one of the elders that disfellowshipped Vernon Howell (David Koresh). <BR> <BR>By all the warm testimonials at the funeral, Bob said, Bonnie was a kind and gentle soul, and that's the Bonnie I always knew. And so forgiving of everything that happened. <BR> <BR>And she never seemed to hold it against Bob for disfellowshipping her son, from which Vernon's reaction was obviously extreme. <BR> <BR><a href="" target="_blank">Clive Doyle</a> was there, and also Catherin Wessinger, the woman from Loyola who helped Bonnie edit her autobiography. <BR> <BR><a href="" target="_blank"><i>Memories of the Branch Davidians</i></a> <BR> <BR>Rest in peace, Bonnie. We'll sort all this out by and by. Rest.
(I am not endorsing what Clive Doyle says or the Branch Davidians in general. Posted for your consideration.) <BR> <BR>(Message edited by maggie on January 28, 2009)
FWIW, I think Jan Paulsen made a good decision to bypass defensiveness. <BR> <BR>As I said earlier today on Pauli's thread, it all just is what it is. <BR> <BR>If they weren't going to keep Bonnie from attending an SDA church, and they didn't, then she deserved a proper SDA funeral conducted by a pastor, and let God sort out the publicity details. <BR> <BR>It all is what it is. People matter, not publicity, but that's hard, I realize.
Wonder what Jan Paulsen would say in the same situation if it were Des Ford?
Interesting question.