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#1 01-04-09 6:26 am

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 1,121

An Unprecedented Opportunity

<b><font color="ff0000">An Unprecedented Opportunity</font></b> <BR> <BR>In my undergraduate work, I nearly accumulated enough credits for a history minor. As a religion teacher, history often enters my domain; The Bible, archaeology, early Christian and other religious writings, etc. all call for historical work. <BR> <BR>Adventism is now well over 170 years old. Much of what we are today can be better understood by the examination of our history. The General Conference archives provide 1000&#39;s of online documents to aid in this historical quest. <BR> <BR>As an organization, we probably have at our disposal one of the most thorough archives available anywhere; re: an internal history. As an educator, I consider this availability to be an unprecedented opportunity to develop a whole generation of capable historians.  <BR><font color="ffffff">.</font>


#2 01-04-09 4:19 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 3,790

Re: An Unprecedented Opportunity

History, is to learn from, not to create a museum with. The SDA Church is not learning well from its errors. To confuse it further, the church growth is happening in the 3rd World where people see things more &#34;black or white&#34;. Talk about women&#39;s ordination in a 3rd World country and you are likely to have a diminishing membership roll. Bettacha you could think of few more issues.


#3 01-04-09 7:08 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 1,121

Re: An Unprecedented Opportunity

<b><font color="0000ff">Bettacha you could think of few more issues.</font></b> <BR> <BR>At the last division-wide teachers&#39; convention, I met a teacher who came to America via Cuba and before that Africa. He knew an Adventist soccer player and became an Adventist in Cuba. I asked him if he was aware of the angst of doctrine experienced by many North American Adventists. He assured me that he was aware of the issues but in Cuba he had learned joy. He did not want to lose his sense of joy. <BR> <BR>You recall the statement that we have nothing to fear for the future except as we forget how the Lord has led us in the past. <BR> <BR>There are errors in the SDA past, for sure. I don&#39;t consider its view of the Sabbath to be one of them. You do. Our hopes and visions for the Adventism of Tomorrow are somewhat different. <BR> <BR>One area of study which I keep reading about is the spirit of independence that Ellen White felt for each of those working for the church. Notice this:<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1><b>quote:</b></font><p>Those who know the truth are to be worked by the Holy Spirit, and not themselves to try to work the Spirit. If the cords are drawn much tighter, if the rules are made much finer, if men continue to bind their fellow-laborers closer and closer to the commandments of men, many will be stirred by the Spirit of God to break every shackle, and assert their liberty in Christ Jesus. If men would act toward their fellow-men as to those whom Christ loves, if they would obey the commandment to &#34;love thy neighbor as thyself,&#34; there would be sweet harmony among the brethren. How much better it would be if those who claim to be Christians would behave like Christians. How much better it would be if all would cease speaking of their own good works and ways, indulging their self-esteem; refrain from the putting forth of the finger, imagining evil, and using their influence to weaken, oppress, and destroy. If men will not come to the terms made by the leading workers, they will not entertain them, they do not care what results may follow their injustice. With them it is rule or ruin. <b>God has not appointed any man to do such work. And no human being shall be permitted to prescribe my liberty or intrench upon the perfect freedom of my brethren, without hearing my voice lifted in protest against it.</b> &#40;RH, July 23, 1895 par. 2&#41; <BR> <BR>     God will move upon men of humble position in society, men who have not become insensible to the bright rays of light through so long contemplating the light of truth, and refusing to make any improvement or advancement therein. Many such will be seen hurrying hither and thither, constrained by the Spirit of God to bring the light to others. The truth, the word of God, is as a fire in their bones, filling them with a burning desire to enlighten those who sit in darkness. Many, even among the uneducated, now proclaim the words of the Lord. Children are impelled by the Spirit to go forth and declare the message from Heaven. <b>The Spirit is poured out upon all who will yield to its promptings, and, casting off all man&#39;s machinery, his binding rules and cautious methods, they will declare the truth with the might of the Spirit&#39;s power.</b> Multitudes will receive the faith and join the armies of the Lord. &#40;RH, July 23, 1895 par. 3&#41; <BR> <BR><!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>Anyone who has worked for the church for any length of time understands that this counsel still applies. <BR> <BR><font color="ffffff"><font size="-2">.</font></font>


#4 01-04-09 8:55 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 3,790

Re: An Unprecedented Opportunity

Don, even you have admitted the voice of God is the GC in session. With the third world in the number it is in, do you not fear the SDA church may become a 3rd World Church??? Especially if there is the liberalness for the Spirit to act???


#5 01-04-09 11:02 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 1,121

Re: An Unprecedented Opportunity

<b><font color="ff0000">The GC Session as the Voice of God</font></b> <BR> <BR>This concept is simply for practical purposes. It does not establish papal-like authority in matters of doctrine. If I want to state categorically what the Adventist church stands for, the decisions of the GC Sessions are definitive. Those decisions are not infallible or inerrant. Administrative decisions are also definitive, but not infallible. Ellen White went to Australia, not because she wanted to, but she was willing to be directed by the GC committee. It was like the voice of God to her, in that respect. <BR> <BR><b><font color="0000ff">do you not fear the SDA church may become a 3rd World Church</font></b> <BR> <BR>When Adventist workers first arrived in South America, they were impressed with the intelligence of the people. I think the 3rd World concept is quickly becoming outmoded. The financial imbalance needs to be compensated for. <BR> <BR><font color="ffffff"><font size="-2">.</font></font>


#6 01-09-09 9:01 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 3,790

Re: An Unprecedented Opportunity

Don, talk to my daughter Kristen and my wife Bonnie about their trip to Guatamala. Shocking conditions. And Chavez is trying to be the hero. We are missing opportunities there.  <BR> <BR>I know a missionary to Bolivia that contracted cancer after much time in the uncontrolled environment of pesticides and other toxins.  <BR> <BR>Help me understand your point.


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