Adventists for Tomorrow

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#1 03-05-09 9:11 am

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 1,121

By Faith and/or By Sight

By Faith and/or By Sight

I grew up both
A child of faith and
A child of science.

The Bible's report about God
Holds a special place in my heart.
The explanations of science
Fascinate me.
Like Johann Kepler (1), for me,
Science thinks God's thoughts
After Him.

Global weather systems develop;
The sun heats equatorial waters.
Moisture-laden air flows high and north;
Rain, hail, sleet, and snow
Fall upon humanity
Yet, Jesus said, "God causes
The sun to rise and
The rain to fall."

Bible history presents
The observable and the invisible,
Faith and sight.
Saul feared the cruel Philistines.
"Kill me," he cried.
He fell on his sword, suicide.
Yet, the Bible doth declare,
"God killed Saul", let all beware.

All reports have two realms;
That of faith, and that of sight.
Bible stories, my stories, yours as well;
All of science and history;
The faithful see in them
The Hand of God.

(1) Attributed to Kepler, reference unknown.


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