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Pages: 1
Hopefully my postings on New Covenant Theology will be transferred in tact from ATomorrow1.
I e-mailed JR about the archives, so hopefully I'll hear back from him soon. Otherwise, we can transfer via copy and paste!
Ryan, note the difference in appearance when transferring by cut and paste without the original post date on ATommorrow1 and transferring with the archived date:
New Covenant Theology - What is it?
Supersessionism - Why we have to talk about it
Do you know what J.R.'s CD version will transfer like?? The 1st one in "New Covenant Theology- What is it? read better, IMO.
Well, I was mostly being facetious. <BR> <BR>I have no idea how the archives will transfer from the CD. We're going to hit these problems moving from one forum to another and trying to take the discussions with us, but it should work out. Frankly, if the worst thing that happens is a poor appearance for the old posts, that's perfectly fine with me. We'll just have to wait and see once I get the CD. <BR> <BR>I like the first one better. <BR> <BR>Ryan
Pages: 1