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People at Spectrum Blog had called me antisemitic for stating Hebrews 8:13. For SDAs it has some significance I guess also, because if that Covenant is obsolete so is the Sabbath of the 4rh Commandment.
For those who had ears to hear there was a threatening prediction behind Hebrews 8:13. It would not have seemed threatening to everyone, but to many it would have and it did. The writer interprets the word “new,” in the phrase “new covenant” from Jeremiah 31, like this: “When He said, ‘A new covenant,’ He has made the first obsolete. But whatever is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to disappear.” What does he have in mind? This old covenant is “ready to disappear”? For those whose whole way of life was defined by this “first” covenant, this predicted disappearance would have been threatening.
So the destruction of AD 70 was not an act of anti-Semitism. Rather it was an act of divine judgment. That is what Jesus says in Luke 19:43-44: these things happened“ because you did not recognize the time of your visitation,” -- that is, you did not recognize the coming of the Messiah. It was God’s testimony that the coming of Jesus was in fact what the book of Hebrews says it was -- the replacement of shadows with Reality -- Christ himself.