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#1 02-05-09 10:26 am

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 205


Not until now I know what we Finnish men can blame. We are victims after all! <BR> <BR> <BR>Quote: <BR> <BR>&#34;A new doctoral thesis claims that almost all men in Finland at some point in their lives are the victims of sex discrimination.  <BR>According to Pasi Malmi, a Licentiate in Administrative Sciences, the discrimination gets side-stepped in the name of sexual equality.  <BR>Malmi is a board member of the Finnish Society for Men&#39;s Studies and a vice chair of Gender Equality for Men in Finland. He currently works as an information technology consultant, while conducting research on the side.  <BR>Malmi&#39;s research looks at 800 complaints and a number of surveys on gender equality discrimination. Malmi says sex discrimination takes place both in and outside of the work place.  <BR>Malmi&#39;s thesis is being examined at the University of Lapland today.&#34; <BR> <BR>Source: <BR> <BR><a href="" target=_top> tims_of_sexism_526762.html</a>


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