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John Adams Project - Statement of Anthony D. Romero <BR> <BR><a href="" target=_top> 80403.html</a> <BR> <BR>Valerie Plame's outing, compare it to this organization's outing of CIA agents Obama apparently sanctions and will not stop.
FYI, this is project of the ACLU--of which I am in complete sympathy <BR> <BR>It is NOT Obama's mission, in fact, Eric Holder, the Attorney General is doing the investigation, even though Obama wishes to "move forward." <BR> <BR>To simply ignore past unconstitutional interrogations and incarcerations, would mean that at any time in the future, there could be no objections. <BR> <BR>Do you forget that all laws are based on "cases" or precedence and that if our Consitution is to have any meaning, we must uphold its tenets. Otherwise, what do you suggest--that we simply "forgive and forget" that we have a Constitution. Not if it infringes on your rights! Are you willing to be imprisoned without any charges, without access to an attorney for years on end--why not--if it's good enough for others, it should be good enough for you.