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#1 02-11-10 12:14 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 3,790

Static Electricity the Killer, not God

Recently I received this email through from someone who has never posted on the new format of :

If one looks at the evidence of the construction and use of the ark of the covenant one can see that its construction was such that under certain conditions it built up lethal charges of static electricty.At various times in to OT record it speaks of firey discharges from the ark.The ark had to be moved using dry wooden poles and other safeguards.The sons of Aaron in their drunkenness came to close to the ark and got zapped. If one looks at the story of the moving of the ark the reaction of the cows yoked to the cart shows they were being shocked by electric current and when the guy tuched the ark he provided a direct ground and was killed. Naturally the onlookers attributed his death to God we even do the same today but there was a reason why there were such regulations in the use of the ark.Ralph T

The point I was making was God had changed what He killed people for in the OT/OC versus His standards in the NT/NC and that as some believe, God does change, especially when He predicts the change as part of His Plan to save man. Interesting theory. Some sort of resource or link would have helped although I do see some that believe this on the internet. Scientific? Enough "juice" to kill a man??? Are you one of those people that believe that God blew wind across the swampy end of the Red Sea to give passage for the Exodus of the Jews from Egypt, too???

Last edited by bob_2 (02-11-10 12:16 pm)


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