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How does the whole Bible fit together?
Here are recommendations for a booklet entitled: The Newness of the New Covenant
Blake White's essay tackles a matter that is too often ignored. How does the whole Bible fit together? How should we understand the various covenants in the scriptures? How does the OT law given at Mount Sinai relate to believers today? Mr. White leads us on a very helpful tour of these issues, and his work is a good example of biblical theology. I commend his work for your reading and reflection.
Thomas R. Schreiner
James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament Interpretation
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
There are many truths and themes which unify the entire canon of Scripture, but probably none as important as the theme of "covenant." However, Christians have disagreed for years precisely how the unfolding covenants of Scripture relate to each other and how they find their fulfillment in Christ. In this helpful introduction to the biblical covenants, Blake White nicely unpacks the redemptive-historical nature of the covenants that is both thoroughly rooted in the biblical text and which paves a needed middle way between Dispensational and Covenant theology, and which, in the end, shows the glory and newness of the new covenant achieved and accomplished by our Lord Jesus Christ.
Stephen J. Wellum
Professor of Christian Theology
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Blake White is a seminarian enrolled in the Master of Divinity program at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY and member of Third Avenue Baptist Church. He currently lives in Louisville, KY with his wife Alicia.
I believe that the confusion that a lot of people have about the Bible is a lack of understanding of "covenant". Each of the Covenants and Promises of the Bible have unique tenets. There are breaks where some see continuity. Most don't want to study the Covenants and realize what is included, what is obsolete now that was meant specifically for a unique group of people that failed to fulfill the conditions of their Covenant with God and must now face the new environment of the New Covenant, by accepting the Messiah they nailed to the cross, blaming it on the Romans.
.”That Christ is the believer’s Sabbath is clearly shown from the Scriptures. Christ has provided for fallen man that which man could never earn by his own works. Christ has done all that the Father desired and ushered in the age in which believers rest in him. It is the author’s desire that the teaching in this little booklet will encourage the child of God to find joy, peace, and rest as he trusts in the finished work of his Lord and Savior, even the Christ." … t=1&page=1
This is a review on the book by John Reisinger, " The Believer's Sabbath ". What was Christ's mission to earth. To reveal God's character and provide the ultimate objective of the Gospel - Rest. There was a shadow, the Sabbath given to a group overworked, physically exhausted people, that point to ONE that could provide more than just physical rest but spiritual/soul rest from their sins.