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Not so sure, but it's cool you're empathic. If the kids contract the disease and die, they won't have to worry about day care any more. Better to be save than sorry, eh???
WHO fears complications if HIV and H1N1 viruses combine <BR> <BR><a href="" target=_top> htm</a> <BR> <BR>WOW, what an evolutionary nightmare that would be, eh, all you Darwinists out there????
<font color="0000ff">WOW, what an evolutionary nightmare that would be, eh, all you Darwinists out there????</font> <BR> <BR>Which includes you. You have plainly stated that you believe in the evolution of viruses.
Microevolution of viruses yes but not macroevolution to other critters.
Microevolution of viruses yes but not macroevolution to other critters.
Sorry, my computer gave a duplicate there. If Ryan is reading, he can clean that up, since we don't have delete function for editing.
Micro/Macroevolution: same process, different scale. ***Please read the Dover IDiot trial transcripts for a good education on the subject. I posted passages and links but, since you seem intent on denial, I am most certain you never took the time to study them. <BR> <BR>You claim we are a different "kind" than other Great apes. You have destroyed your own illogical false argument.
The Dover Trial you have stated as having the answers, previously. An earthly judge, is not the Messiah, with infallible, inerrant words. The Bible is the inerrant one, remember?? Oh, you forgot, dang, Neal, you got to keep up here!!!