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I read this article recently in Adventist World written by Ted Wilson President of the SDA Church World. Read the article and let me know if Ted is talking straight about the route to resolving conflict in the church: … h+conflict
Note the categories of conflict he outlines:
1. Practical Conflict Resolution
2. Theological Conflict Resolution
3. Resolving Interpersonal Conflict Between Christians
4. Biblical Basis of Church Governance
Did he get all the types of Church Conflict, and are his suggestions for resolution sound advice or ways of avoiding change???
Last edited by bob_2 (06-29-12 3:20 pm)
Jim Miles shared a link: Long but valuable read. Come in and add your comment! … out—policy
Today, the modern Advent Movement is self-destructing for all to see. The SDA’s have long ago lost their way. Now they are fragmented, full of confusion, schism, and anger, lacking honest leadership and the courage to follow truth.
Why should anyone today be surprised that church politics and policy trumps the Gospel? This is what happened at Glacier View in 1980, and the SDA’s have been going downhill ever since.
Understand that the dysfunctional state of the church today is the direct result of the exile of Dr. Ford and the repudiation of the fundamentals of the Protestant Reformation and the Advent Movement.
The SDA’s, like the Jews they emulate, are only reaping what they sowed, and unless they repent for Glacier View and embrace Gospel Reform, they are doomed.
Gal. 6:7 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap.
The fallout from Glacier View cannot be over estimated. Millions have correctly left the Denomination since Ted Wilson’s father essentially declared Traditional Adventism the policy of the church. Then we he went on to develop a creed called the 27 Fundamentals that contained such errors as the IJ, Tithing, and Ellen White as having doctrinal authority. The son is only doing what his father taught him. And thus a false path is promoted from one generation to another.
In hindsight we can all see the destructive results, which are ongoing today.
After Glacier View, any Pastor or member who would embrace such anti-Gospel doctrines as contained in the 27 Fundamentals, has little excuse when treated badly by the other wolves. Those that embrace the IJ and tithe, and the anti-Gospel hierarchy, deserve to be treated badly. Perhaps it will wake them up to their many errors before it is too late to save their souls?
When a person decides to compromise Gospel truth, for any reason, they have chosen the wrong path. And this is especially so for those pastors who would teach others a false Gospel. Pastors must be held to a higher standard, and so they shall on the Day of Judgment.
James 3:1 Let not many of you become teachers, my brethren, knowing that as such we will incur a stricter judgment.
Today, the only hope for the Advent Community is repent for Glacier View and embrace Gospel Reform. Which is to say Adventist Reform, as articulated by Dr. Ford and Tom Norris.
Adventist Reform
There is no other solution for Adventists. Any that try another way, and many have, will fail. False doctrine and hierarchical propaganda will not resolve anything. Nor should anyone today pay tithe to the corrupt SDA hierarchy or in any way support this den of wolves that hate the Gospel.
It is time for the Advent Community to separate from the corrupt hierarchy that refuses to follow truth. It is time for Gospel truth to be better understood, which cannot take place while the doctrine of tithe is practiced, and the policies of a corrupt hierarchy are obeyed.
Those that think they can play nice with wolves and not get bitten are playing a fools game. Rather, they need to repent for embracing so much false doctrine and for failing to stand up for Gospel Reform when they had the opportunity.
They need to admit that there is no such doctrine as tithe in the New Covenant and that they have been wrong to take and promote it all these years. They also need to confess many other false doctrines, including Old Covenant Sabbath keeping as taught by the SDA's and the IJ, etc.
Those who make such a good confession are on the correct Gospel path. But not those who simply complain about being badly treated. Too bad they were not treated badly for the sake of the Gospel, - a doctrine which they do not understand nor embrace.
It is time for repentance and genuine Gospel Reform in the Adventist Community.
It is time for the development of “Present Truth” for the 21st century.
It is time for Adventism to move forward.
Tom Norris for Adventist Reform
Tom wants the SDA church to "It is time for Adventism to move forward." Who else has as their/his slogan "Forward". Obama's campaign. Why? because he had a past to hide. Same with Ted Wilson. Does this mean all mistakes of the past are forgiven, even though they have present error?????Obama's 2012 campaign had "Forward" as their slogan. They wanted to forget the past, and start the second term with a clean slate. It appears the election was tainted by the WH using the IRS politically. Not even Jimmy Carter the "election watchman" has not condemned what happened and will be rooted out.
To move forward, your message has to be sound. NCT if studied by SDAs would put them in a place to bring peace to many denominations . It would purify the Gospel by eliminating the Sabbath issue, by Jesus fulfilling the Sabbath in Himself. He fulfilled the whole OC. And ushered in the New Covenant.
Last edited by bob_2 (06-04-13 3:40 am)
bob2: Who else has as their/his slogan "Forward". The Text of Ted Wilson's Sermon: Go Forward … go-forward l_ miller: Good old days in the 19th and 20th century.
Wilson wants to go forward to 20th century Traditional Adventism. This is really called going backwards.
In fact, he never even mentioned the 4th Angels Message, which is the only place left for the Advent Movement to go. SDA's are not to go forward to the 3rd Angels Message, but forward to the 4th, which is very different.
He also claims that the church should listen to Ellen White, but yet he fails to understand what she is really saying about most everything, including how to go forward.
This is the problem with the SDA leaders; they are fully of double-talk and nonsense. They have lost their way, even as they are misleading others.
Today, we live in the 21st century. It is time for the Advent community to go forward to the 4th and final level of theological understanding. Forget trying to cling to the past mistakes, it is time to go forward and complete the mission of the Advent Movement to prepare the church for the Tribulation and the 2nd Coming.
Tom Norris for Adventist Reform
Spectrum Magazine
BrentStanyer said: 2.There are many other employees in Adventist health care that make significantly more than pastors. So, what about those vice presidents, department directors, IT staff, managers, specialists, therapists, nurses, physicians and so on that make more than a pastor. Are they to be chastised as well - simply because the church's pay scale is less than a health care pay scale? And there are hard working health care workers making less than pastors, should they be moved up to that level?
3. What about those in the church who get less than the pastor pay scale? If the pastor pay scale is the "gold standard" for criticizing health care salaries, what about the fairness of the church's own scale. If it appropriate to pay an administrative assistant less than a pastor ("because that is what's fair in the market place") then is that "comparable wage scale" argument any less valid when used by health care?
......right arm of the message are making themselves millionaires under its banner.
l_miller, the health care is subsidized by Federal and State programs. Church Pastors are not. Should we be a egalitarian society and spread the wealth evenly around to any worker in the SDA church? Socialism or Communism, which would that be.
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