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#1 05-18-09 9:29 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 1,121

A Health Journal

<b>Birdwatching For Health</b> <BR> <BR>As we discuss matters of health, I have noted that most of the people on this forum report some rather positive lifestyle practices. <BR> <BR>As I mentioned on another post, my son wants me to start getting more exercise so I might be able to live longer; if not for me, then for him. <BR> <BR>I rather like his coaching and have become aware of whether I am following his advice. <BR> <BR>This weekend is a &#34;long&#34; weekend here in Canada. I have kinda felt like it was vacation time. You know, to celebrate Queen Victoria&#39;s birthday.  <BR> <BR>Anyway, vacations make me want to go birdwatching and to go birdwatching calls for walking, lots of walking. I went twice; on Sabbath and today, Monday. What a wonderful time! <BR> <BR>I give two brief reports at my online journal, <a href="" target="_blank">&#42;&#42;here&#42;&#42;</a> <BR> <BR><b>A further thought:</b> <BR> <BR>I have at times viewed the weekly Sabbath as &#34;vacation time&#34; and used to go birdwatching quite often on Sabbath afternoon. Recently, I have felt more like sleeping. I have noted that the more I exercise, the less I feel like sleeping in the middle of the day. <BR> <BR><font size="+2"><b><font color="0000ff">__________________________________</font></b></font> <BR> <BR><b>The Lawn</b> <BR> <BR>My two neighbors, on both sides of our place, keep immaculate yards. So, as my backyard grows taller and taller grass, I get feeling guiltier and guiltier. One of my neighbors, a kindly senior citizen, even described how he got his lawnmower going. Take out the spark plug; pour some gas into the chamber; and it started right away. <BR> <BR>So, today, I grab my spark plug wrench and follow his instructions. The lawnmower has sat outside under a makeshift cover all winter long.  <BR> <BR>After the first pull of the cord; nothing? After six pulls, nothing. I fiddle with the little red pumper thing, jiggle the robber tube running from the gas to the motor, and try again. It starts but then stalls right away. I repeat the process just described. No luck. Again. It starts and stalls. More of the same. Eventually, it starts and stays running. Better keep it running, huh. But the grass is so tall; I&#39;m not careful enough and the grass stalls the mower. Ah, but it starts right away and away we go. <BR> <BR>As I mow, I muse on what a great mechanic I am. The sun has nearly set. The backyard is mowed. I get pretty close to an hour&#39;s worth of exercise and all is well with the world.  <BR><font color="ffffff"><font size="-2">.</font></font>


#2 05-19-09 12:14 am

Registered: 01-02-09
Posts: 765

Re: A Health Journal

by that reasoning golf might be even better for your physical health &#40;if not mental health&#41;... <BR> <BR>is there precident in the denomination to allow that on Sabbath? long as no heart healthy alcohol is involved? <BR> <BR>its just walking... <BR>out in Gods nature... <BR>observing vegetation, birds,  <BR>sharing ones feelings with others  <BR>trying to avoid four letter words....

If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?


#3 05-19-09 1:12 am

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 1,121

Re: A Health Journal

<b><font color="0000ff">by that reasoning golf might be even better for your physical health &#40;if not mental health&#41;... </font></b> <BR> <BR>But, if I get a hole in one, who could I tell? <IMG SRC="" ALT=":-&#40;" BORDER=0> <BR> <BR>When I was young, I was deeply troubled by a recurring nightmare: <BR> <BR>As a family, we were all out on a golf course. No words were said, but the tension was horrific. <BR> <BR>I described this to my oldest brother and he told me that we would often go out on the golf course with Dad while he played  and that those times of tension were real indeed. And Dad was a physician. <BR> <BR>&#40;Message edited by Don on May 19, 2009&#41;


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