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When Silence is not Golden
This author is:
Alvin M. Kibble, a vice president of the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists.
As I read his article I was disappointed with his own silence about Regional Conferences that have racially divided the NAD of SDAism. Where is the open discussion of race that caused that division and still does.
He says:
As I watched the faces of so many of fellow Americans gathered at Mr. Obama’s victory celebration in Chicago’s Grant Park on Election Night, I saw in all the joy and jubilation a striking element of hope--a longing for a better tomorrow. I haven’t seen a crowd like that one in my lifetime—celebratory, but reserved; unified, but diverse; youthful, yet intergenerational
Yet he says nothing of the booing of an out going two term president by the gathering on the mall in Washington, D.C. Sir, you want openness, look no further than your own writing and thinking and watch this video and contemplate what it means:
Just a difference in civility between Chicago and Washington, or a more serious underlying problem???
I agree with the author, silence is not golden on these issues!!!
Here in St. Louis, the Catholic Hospitals are fearful of being shut down, because they take public money, but refuse to perform abortions. What will become of this stellar system as a result of Obama's actions about public funding of abortion. SDAs have not taken a principled stand like the Catholics [I have my own logical thinking on the issue]. They have taken the course of least resistance and happen to be in line with this new historic President. To be lauded or stop us in our tracks for a reality check???? Silence is not golden Vice President Kibble!!!!
This is not just or even about race, but right now, rhetoric. Will change be for the better, will hope be for all, or will racial tensions mount because we have not been talking about it in our very midst???
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