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Yesterday I bought a new Bible; the previous one was stuffed with undelinings and remarks written by pen with different colors. <BR> <BR> <BR>I plan to devout some of my time to perusing that book (i.e. the new Bible). <BR> <BR>Consequently there will be less time available for Internet. <BR> <BR>That will partly explain my relative inactivity as regards Atomorrow. <BR> <BR>But I am accessible by email.
Well Pauli, I for one look forward to seeing your posts, as I find them both entertaining and educational. I'm sure that there are others that either post here or lurk, that are equally blessed.<img src="" border=0> <BR> <BR>Cadge
Pauli, as you peruse yur new Bible, why not share with us some of your insights on your reading? It would be interesting to read what you are finding and interpreting.
That's interesting that you want to start with a fresh Bible with none of your past remarks written in it. <BR> <BR>I understand how you would want to be alone with your thoughts for awhile. <BR> <BR>I'll be interested to hear what you have to say when you get back, Pauli.
Maybe I'll do that too.
A huge turning point in my relationship with the Bible happened when I decided to read the Philip's version of the NT - especially Romans. It helps to use a version you're not familiar with. Philips is, of course, just a paraphrase, but it helped me to see things from a totally different perspective. Refreshing.
As of tomorrow, April 26, 2009, til mid August I will be spending a significant amount of time traveling. <BR> <BR>Some business, lots of play. <BR> <BR>I wish everyone here lots of hearty interaction and education. I might check in periodically but if so, it will be brief. <BR> <BR>I will be around the rest of today and then... <BR> <BR>Cheerio (for a spell) <BR> <BR>(I can see Bob dancing in his front yard already)
Which slime pond will you be tending??
NEAL.......don't go!!!!!<img src="" border=0> <BR> <BR>renie
Its only 3 1/2 months. <BR> <BR>I'll be back. <BR> <BR><img src="" border=0> <BR> <BR>After the last 1 1/2 years of record wackiness in the markets I'm ready for a slower pace for a bit.
Neal, Elaine, John and Bob.....would you guys please join my Sabbath School class? It is so darn boring most of the time. <BR> <BR>You all have such different and challenging ideas, we'd have the best class in Montana. <BR> <BR>I'd love to have an atheist as a member of my church. Anybody to get us all thinking for ourselves rather than repeating the same old stuff over and over. <BR> <BR>renie
youre gonna have all those Gitmo detainees up there to minister to.... <BR> <BR>I hope you like the change!!! <BR> <BR><img src="" alt="">
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?
I chuckle at how they will handle all the snow we get. <BR> <BR>One thing, if any of them escape, they won't get very far. There ain't no Muslims in this country. We can handle them. <BR> <BR>renie
and if they do escape, the Mont Dept of Fish and Game will open season until they are back either above or below the frost line. unless they get to Kanada first, where they will be forgiven and put to work growing weed and poppies somewhere north of Vancouver.
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?
HaHaHeeeeeHeeee, Oh My Gosh!!! <BR> <BR> <BR>renie
John, here is my signature post, for everytime your current signature post is put out as an allegation. No meanness. a simple answer from Elaine will do. <img src="" border=0> <BR> <BR>(Message edited by Bob_2 on April 25, 2009)
I'll be ending my summer journeys on the porch of my Mother's house looking out over the private lake in Florida. <BR> <BR>About ten years ago she noticed a Great Blue Heron was having difficulty catching fish in the lake near their yard. It was scrawny and weak. They determined that it was blind in one eye which led to the bird being unable to accurately aim its strike necessary for fishing success. <BR> <BR>She began putting food out for the bird. Now, if she doesn't feed it by its regular time it comes onto the porch, cocks its head, and looks in the glass doors/picture windows to see what's going on. <BR> <BR>I look forward to seeing 'Big Bird' in August. <BR> <BR>Big Bird on the porch <BR> <BR><img src="" alt=""> <BR> <BR> <BR>Big Bird eating his hot dogs <BR> <BR><img src="" alt="">
Now that truly is neat story. That must be something for your kids to look foward to even more thn yourself, eh???
Bob...think what you just did.... <BR>Neal posted a great pic to explain an interesting story... <BR> <BR>and all you can do is misspell a sarcastic remark....more reckless, careless, stupid driving on the internet. <BR> <BR><img src="" alt="">
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?
Interesting you never talked this way to J.R. as he consistently misspelled, I think to aggravate people, but you wanted to be his friend and he owned the forum, at that time. Very consistent of you, with your improper capitalization. <BR> <BR>Now: <BR> <BR>1. It wasn't sarcastic but sincere even though some spelling errors. <BR> <BR>2. You have been making fun of me with pictures from the movie Deliverance, totally unrelated to anything, and a canoe picture, probably again referring unrelated to Deliverance and me. <BR> <BR>3. Who is this officer talking to, you or me??? <BR> <BR><img src="" border=0> <BR> <BR>Then J.R. had a Beatitude type idea, remember those that you are pressing for, and he allowed Neal in to specifically harrass Bob Sands, remember that email Neal shared with us earlier?? <BR> <BR>Come on John, you can't be that out of touch with reality to understand how people react. You think a Carnegie Book read by the innocent party will solve the peace issue. You would be a great envoy to the Middle East!! NOT You probably would be shot on the first day for stupidity.
Off to stop #2. <BR> <BR>Won't have internet for a while so talk to u later. <BR> <BR>Cheerio
Bob said: <font color="0000ff">You think a Carnegie Book read by the innocent party will solve the peace issue.</font> <BR> <BR>Yeh, Bob's the innocent party!! <BR> <BR>Can't you SEE THAT John!! <BR> <BR>Oh, sorry. One sentence later he refutes his own assertion: <font color="0000ff">You probably would be shot on the first day for stupidity.</font> <BR> <BR>That amount of crazy, well, leaves me speechless. <BR> <BR>Until whenever....
I stand by my prediction given John's behavior and thought pattern. Neal can and does believe whatever he wants to believe.
Bob..since you haven't stopped mocking Elaine personally, and accuse me directly of something you apparently know a lot about....why not join Ziggy with some suggested reading material. <BR> <BR><img src="" alt="">
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?
I was just commenting on what would happen with your philosophy should you present yourself as an envoy to solve the Israel/Palestine problem. Shot on the first day, pretty easy guess, given your position of the person being mocked as the guilty party, that would really make for interesting results. Suggest Palestinians read Carnegie, solve the peace problem over there!!!!!