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#1 02-01-09 2:42 am

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 1,121

Stories 1916-1926

<b><font color="ff0000">How a Policeman and a Soldier Helped, Cuba, 1917</font></b>  <BR> <BR>&#40;This thread is for stories presented and discussed. Stories like the one presented in this post can be found in the Adventist Archives and will be positive in nature. Of course, not all are of such a nature. Eventually, dividing by time will help organize them. This thread covers stories from 1916 to 1926.&#41;  <BR> <BR><a href="" target="_blank">Australasian Record, February 26, 1917, page 5</a> <BR> <BR>BROTHER Emsley Willams, a colporteur  <BR>in Cuba, recently had an experience  <BR>at the time unpleasant, but which  <BR>turned out for good in the end.  <BR> <BR>Brother Kellman writes:  <BR> <BR>“Just before leaving for Honduras,  <BR>Brother Willams left the train one  <BR>evening in the town of Manacas,  <BR>where he was to canvass, to go out  <BR>where one of our brethren lived  <BR>about two miles from town. He  <BR>had two big bags filled with books  <BR>as in Cuba we take orders one day  <BR>and deliver the next.  <BR> <BR>&#34;As he was slowly plodding his way  <BR>along, just as he reached the outskirts  <BR>of the village, he heard galloping of  <BR>horses behind him. He was surprised a  <BR>moment later as the cry in Spanish  <BR>rang out <i>Alza los Manos,</i> &#34;hands up.&#34;  <BR>It was a policeman and a mounted  <BR>soldier.  <BR> <BR>&#34;There was a recent robbery in the  <BR>neighbourhood, and they were on  <BR>the lookout for the thief, so spying  <BR>this man with heavy bags, they  <BR>thought they had the culprit sure.  <BR>After searching and questioning  <BR>him they saw their mistake, apolo-  <BR>ogized for the trouble, and, to even  <BR>things up, carried his heavy pack  <BR>ages up to the home of the brother  <BR>to whom he was going.  <BR> <BR>&#34;This laborious journey turned to be a  <BR>pleasant walk with congenial companions.  <BR>The policeman next day met him in  <BR>town, introduced him to many of the  <BR>influential people, from whom he  <BR>took orders and delivered the books.  <BR> <BR>&#34;The hold-up at night turned out to  <BR>be the best thing that could have  <BR>taken place for the benefit of his  <BR>work there.&#34; <BR> <BR><b><font color="ff0000">Some Questions:</font></b> <BR> <BR>1&#41; How do you explain such developments; the good coming out of the bad?  <BR> <BR>2&#41; How would you have felt. The day before you are to leave the country, it seems that you are going to be arrested for something you didn&#39;t do. <BR> <BR>3&#41; What might that conversation have been like as the three walked to the friend&#39;s house? <BR> <BR>4&#41; What role did the literature evangelist, or colporteur, play in Adventist pioneer mission work? <BR> <BR><font color="ffffff"><font size="-2">.</font></font>


#2 02-01-09 9:32 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 1,391

Re: Stories 1916-1926

How many similar close escapes can be related? <BR> <BR>A personal one: <BR> <BR>Driving one summer to the W. Coast from central California, we saw ahead of us white van that was weaving on the  two-lane road.  Immediately after passing him, in the rear view mirror the van crossed over the midline and struck a Cadillac, and bodies thrown in the air could be seen.   <BR> <BR>We stopped and my physician-husband checked the car&#39;s driver who had escaped injury, but his passenger &#40;who turned to live just down the road from us in Fresno&#41; was killed immediately, three in the van were killed instantly--one 40-ft. from the road, another 50 or so feet away.  In all, four people died instantly just a few feet behind us.  Had the van hit us instead of the car immediately behind us--none of the five us could possibly have escaped either death or major injuries. <BR> <BR>Later, people behind us on the same road, on the way to camp meeting and seen it all.  Were we just lucky, or otherwise?  Who knows?


#3 02-02-09 5:18 am

Registered: 01-02-09
Posts: 270

Re: Stories 1916-1926

A similar story - Our family of four were leaving Key West &#40;Fla&#41;, when orange cones seemed to divert the traffic off at an exit just before one of the bridges, which was only two skinny lanes.  We exited but found that there was no reason to exit and returned immediately to the road we had just left, at which point all traffic stopped.  We could see ahead where there had been a head-on collision with the car that had been directly in front of us before we made our mistake.  Other cars behind the accident were crashed into the sides of the bridge.


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