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#1 02-01-09 9:57 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 1,391

Single Mother of Octuplets

Should a single mother of six children under seven, be given in-vitro fertilization with multiple embryos?   <BR> <BR>The grandmother is on record saying that when the new babies come home &#40;they will be hospitalized for at least two more months&#41; she is leaving.  The single mother, who recently completed her college degree and plans on taking graduate work, also loves being a mother, and says she does it for money. <BR> <BR>Ethicists  are questioning why any doctor would give fertility treatment for a single mother of six.  She will now have 14 children under 7!   <BR> <BR>Do you believe that physicials are unethical who implants multiple embryos in a mother of six? <BR> <BR>Who is paying for these treatments and the care of the children?  Surely, someone had to care for her small children while she pursued her college degree and she must be expecting the same arrangement when she brings the new octuplets home.


#2 02-02-09 12:29 pm

Registered: 02-02-09
Posts: 10

Re: Single Mother of Octuplets

Hi Elaine, <BR> <BR>I absolutely think that it is unethical to do what was done in this situation.  I don&#39;t think it is a good idea to implant that many embryos to begin with anyway.  But for her?  No way.  I think physicians have a duty to take many things into account when doing this procedure.  This whole situation is wrong, wrong, wrong.


#3 02-02-09 12:54 pm

Registered: 01-02-09
Posts: 765

Re: Single Mother of Octuplets

the doctors who did this and the accountants and lawyers who authorized it should all be individually taxed to pay for both the procedures, the delivery, and the medical needs of the children in the future. <BR> <BR>this should not be put on society to take care of.

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