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Another classroom introduction to ensure the escalation of the hedonistic society. What happened to the basics of education; reading, writing, and arithmetic? Why would anybody even dare to think that this is necessary to teach in any school system, or anywhere for that matter? <BR> <BR> <BR>Spanish region of Extremadura teaches teens art of masturbation <BR> <BR>Read more: <a href="" target=_top> 009-11-13_spanish_region_of_extramadura_teaches_te ens_art_of_masturbation.html#ixzz0WnmR9nbc</a> <BR> <BR> <BR>Cadge
and to remember all the boring homework we all had to endure instead of this new fangled eddycashon. <BR> <BR>imho, this class should be limited to seminary novitiates, in order to teach them to keep their hands to themselves once they become priests.
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?
The three R's are still important, but there is a lot more to learn in the modern world. Wish I had classes like that!