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Michael Jackson, what was going on: <BR> <BR><blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1><b>quote:</b></font><p>...An Emergency Room source at UCLA hospital said Jackson aides told medics he had collapsed after an injection of potent Demerol — similar to morphine. <BR> <BR>... after The Sun revealed that he was suffering from skin cancer there were fears that he was not fit enough to complete the tour. <BR> <BR>Experts found spots of skin cancer on his upper body and pre-cancerous cells on his face. <BR> <BR>...<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote> <BR> <BR><a href="" target=_top> re/2501914/Michael-Jacksons-last-moments.html</a> <BR> <BR>Notice the caution about Demerol Injections: <BR> <BR><a href="" target=_top> spx?drugid=3914&drugname=Demerol+Inj&source=1</a> <BR> <BR><blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1><b>quote:</b></font><p>When meperidine (generic of demerol) is injected into a vein, it is best to mix it with other IV fluids and give it very slowly to prevent serious side effects. Carefully follow all instructions for proper mixing with correct IV fluids.<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
Michael has been addicted for so long I am surprised he lived as long as he did. He used all kinds of stuff. He was loaded during his trial. Maybe now the kids will have a chance. <BR> <BR>What a sad story!! <BR> <BR>renie
<font color="0000ff"><b><font size="+2"><center>'I'm better off dead. I'm done': <BR> Michael Jackson's fateful prediction <BR>just a week before his death</center></font></b></font> <BR> <BR><a href="" target=_top> -better-dead-Im-How-Michael-Jackson-predicted-deat h-months-ago.html</a> <BR> <BR><blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1><b>quote:</b></font><p><ul><li>Genetic condition had ruined his lungs and left him unable to sing <LI>He became so skeletal, doctors believed he was anorexic <LI>He had nightmares about being murdered – and wanted to die <LI>He used swine flu as an excuse to avoid coming to England <LI>He thought he was agreeing to 10 concerts – it was 50</li></ul> <BR><!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
Farewell, "And that's the way it is." <BR> <BR><img src="" alt="">
Another time: <BR> <BR><img src="" alt="">
This slideshow makes you feel like we are at the end of the year looking back at those who have died in 2009: <BR> <BR><a href="" target=_top> 0.907896.html</a>
not confirmed yet..... <BR> <BR><a href="" target=_top></a>
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?
John, <BR> <BR>What has prompted you to post the myspace url?
JR is gone....heart attack last night. <BR>got word from his sister, my former school classmate. <BR> <BR>he had lost weight trying to beat diabetes, but had already experienced a heart attack yrs back around the time he gave up moderating <BR> <BR>his myspace shows he was enjoying life....and his family.
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?
Thanks, John. <BR> <BR>R.I.P., JR
Also thanks, John. <BR> <BR>Yo JR--Leave that Heretic Club Gate Open up there for the stragglers.
There ya go, David. <IMG SRC="" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0>
I only knew J.R. from cyberspace connections but learned to appreciate how he combined a sense of fun with seriousness and personal respect. <BR> <BR>His pioneer work with atomorrow is appreciated and treasured. <BR><font color="ffffff"><font size="-2">.</font></font>
Agree with all you said Don, except my experience with how he dealt out personal respect. RIP J.R., you were an innovator, but I maintain, a BULLY. (I think I can still prove it with his own words. Even with his parting shot to me. I stood up for him, and he was lax in return. )
<IMG SRC="" ALT=":-(" BORDER=0> I didn't know J.R. well, but I appreciate what he did with atomorrow. Besides that, he brought some good laughs to the table. Those are what I'll remember. <BR> <BR>RIP.
I had the privilege of knowing JR some. He drove to Montana several years ago and stopped to visit my husband and I. I drove 10 miles to the freeway turnoff. He was there waiting for me. He followed me back to our home. The first thing he wanted to do was head for my computer and log onto Adventist Tomorrow. I teased him about it. Will miss him. <BR> <BR> He confessed that he loved to bait the members to get a good duscussion going. He thought just commentary was too boring. I'm sure a lot of the baiting he did to you Bob and others, was just that. Most of you picked up his insulting comments and ran with them. He loved that. You guys will remember that he usually got a lot of participation. <BR> <BR>Hey Maggie. I'm soooooooo glad to hear from you. I wish you'd come back.
Yes, I always thought of JR as a warm teddy bear, or a big dog, all bark and no bite. He was a great moderator. Maybe they'll have a job for him where he is now. Maybe he'll put in a good word for us here. Lord knows, we need it!
Laughs should not be at others expense. That is what a good moderator is for to make sure it isn't at someone's expense and civility reigns. When I mentioned Jodi was dying of a brain tumor, there was less comments for a lady that contributed much to this forum. I don't know what happened between he and Jodi, but whatever, he wouldn't let it go, and couldn't even wish her Godspeed. What a lost opportunity, for J.R. and for the forum.
That's too bad. I was hoping he'd get around to showing up on here. Guess we'll have to catch up with him "on the other side". My condolences to his family, which shown by his many comments, he loved and cherished deeply. <BR> <BR>Cadge
This is very sad. JR added an outlet for me that has meant a great deal to my sanity. I appreciated being able to exchange ideas (good and bad) and having the opportunity to meet some great people. <BR> <BR>Thanks, JR.
Does anyone know who will be responsible for the atomorrow dot com archives?
Don: That is something I was thinking about today. I had contacted J.R. months ago but got no response. I imagine it will be very hard to get access to his discus site. <BR> <BR>I noticed John said that J.R.'s daughter told him about the death. John: Perhaps, when the time is right, you could do a little asking about us getting access to J.R's files, if that's something you feel like you could/should do. <BR> <BR>Otherwise, we will have to manually save all of's discussions before the site expires. <BR> <BR>If I could have access to J.R.'s site I could transfer everything to this site.
I am saddened to hear about the death of JR Layman. <BR> <BR>The Adventist Community should be proud of JR and thankful for what he accomplished. While he was an outspoken, and opinionated individual, his efforts to promote open, censor- free, discussion about the issues represents a milestone in the maturation and development of modern Adventism. <BR> <BR>In fact, the advanced and open discussions about the complex issues, that many now take for granted, have been made possible because of JR’s efforts to fight censorship within the church. <BR> <BR>Until JR’s Atomorrow site came online, all Adventist discussions on the Internet were heavily censored and controlled by the church or their employess. Although some sites, like the AToday Forum, where JR was a moderator, pretended to be a champion of free speech, we all soon discovered that the Denomination was not capable of promoting free speech, study, or discussion. Nor did they want to allow the members any such freedoms. <BR> <BR>When the AToday Forum was censored and shut down, it was JR that led the way to keep the discussions about Adventist Reform alive and well. Like many, he was upset that the church was censoring the detailed discussions about tithe, the IJ, and Ellen White, and he refused to co-operate or let it happen. <BR> <BR>So he, and some others, set up ATomorrow and saved as many of the controversial threads as possible from the AToday site. Then he informed me that there was a section in a new Forum just for Adventist Reform. He made it clear to me that he wanted the discussion of the issues to continue, without censorship. <BR> <BR>Once the new forum was operational, JR made sure that all the issues were given a fair hearing, even as he correctly drew the line against the “wacko” TSDA’s, as he called them, and the anti-Sabbatarian critics that wanted to destroy Adventism. But even then, he would often banish their tirades to some distant thread, just to prove that censorship is not taking place. And they would respond by calling everyone a Jesuit. <BR> <BR><a href="" target=_top> s.htm</a> <BR> <BR>This policy worked well, even though most of the church leaders boycotted the site anyway. And the ones that ventured inside, like Clifford Goldstein, soon ran off in embarrassment, unable to answer the difficult questions or even discuss his book about 1844. Much to the amusement of all. Those were good times… <BR> <BR>Only someone with JR’s unique personality and background could have managed to create such a necessary and helpful place for the divided and confused Adventist Community. Many now have a much better understanding of the issues, and the Gospel, thanks to the open discussion that JR promoted. <BR> <BR>Only when we get to heaven will we really know the far-reaching impact of what JR has accomplished. He is a modern day Adventist Pioneer and I salute him! <BR> <BR>Someone should let his family know how thankful we are for JR. He has done a great work for the Advent Movement, which he so loved. <BR> <BR>I look forward to meeting JR in the new earth, where we will talk about his contribution to Adventist Reform and drink real wine to salute the Gospel. <BR> <BR>Tom Norris for Adventist Reform
About the time Tom got his own Adventist Reform section, I got my own New Covenant Theology section. He challenged me once, Bill Diehl, that he thought with NCT I was do away with the Sabbath. I will try to find my response for you which he then allow the discussion to continue on NCT which helped me fine tune my own beliefs that I feel are still within the boundaries of SDAism and their search for truth and new light. <BR> <BR>Although I referred to J.R. as a BULLY, he did make this offer <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR>that some techie should approach the J.R. Estate and take them up on it through DISCUS expertise if necessary. <BR> <BR>(Message edited by Bob_2 on October 17, 2009)
Sorry here it is activated: <BR> <BR><a href="" target=_top> pc=160&post=92425#POST92425</a>