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<b><font color="ff0000">Nov. 2-8: Domestic Disturbances, Disturbing Music News</font></b> <BR> <BR>Posted Fri Nov 6, 2009 7:43pm PST <BR> <BR>by Lyndsey Parker in That's Really Week <blockquote>The Rihanna/Chris Brown saga may have been the story dominating music headlines this week, as Rihanna publicly and frankly spoke about her ordeal for the first time to Diane Sawyer--but sadly, that was not the only domestic abuse scandal in the news. Other singers were accused of similar wrongdoing, and it remains to be seen if their respective careers, reputations, and/or relationships can recover from the fallout.. <BR> <BR>One of the most shocking stories of the week came when Oprah Winfrey booted BeBe Winans, a revered gospel singer (which somehow makes this story even more surprising), from her show's "karaoke challenge"--due to charges against him for allegedly pushing his ex-wife to the ground. BeBe, who recently reunited with his sister CeCe for their first joint album in 15 years, had already appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show the week prior and was slated for future karaoke episodes; however, this week Oprah spokesman Don Halcombe announced that BeBe had been pulled from the show due to his current scandal. (BeBe was charged with misdemeanor domestic assault in February, after he and his ex-wife Debra allegedly quarreled over their children; he is due in court January 2010.). <BR> <BR>Oprah had been blasted by bloggers this week for letting BeBe appear on her program after she'd taken such a firm stand against domestic violence earlier this year, even dedicating an entire special episode to the Chris Brown/Rihanna situation. "Let's just not have a double standard on domestic violence or even accusations of domestic violence," argued writer Joni Reynolds of the blog Ebony Mom Politics, who later praised Oprah's decision to remove BeBe from The Oprah Winfrey Show. . <BR> <BR>As of this writing, it is still unclear whether Oprah was aware of the charges against BeBe, or when/if he will be able to return to the show. <BR> <BR><a href="" target=_top> k/57602/nov-2-8-domestic-disturbances-disturbing-m usic-news/</a></blockquote> <BR><b><font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">___________________________________</font></font></b> <BR> <BR><b><font color="ff0000">Questions/Comments</font></b><ol><li>When I read this story, I thought of Paul's shunning advice in 1 Corinthians 5-6. Is Oprah following Paul's advice? <IMG SRC="" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0> <LI>Is it OK for a Church to do what Oprah has done? <LI>Compare Oprah's situation to the Church's. What are the similar features between them; what are the differences? <LI>Do you agree with what Oprah did? <LI>What role did Oprah's fans play? How do they compare to Church members? <LI>This report links fan complaints to Oprah's actions. Can an organization be fair and respond to specific complaints, too? <LI>What would Jesus do?</li></ol>
Doesn't the church change its former positions over the years? <BR> <BR>Remember (I do), when "living in adultery" meant disfellowship, as any married person obtaining a divorce without specific reasons (identified and questioned by the church) and remarrying, would forever after be considered "living in adultery. <BR> <BR>Today, that is seldom practiced, unless there are churches of which I'm not aware. <BR> <BR>The current "sin" being widely discussed is homosexuality: whether those living in such relationships should be allowed membership in the church, or if already members, should be disfellowshipped or discouraged from attending. <BR> <BR>Perhaps a few years from now there will be another current "sin" which can be argued about and discussed ad infinitum. <BR> <BR>Some years ago it was also the "sin" of alcohol. <BR>Today, with wider Bible literacy, people are discovering that there is no biblical prohibition of using alcohol, period! Only drunkenness, which is by far the small majority of those who drink. <BR> <BR>When will the church cease obsessing about the "sins of the day" and preach God's love? Or does the fear of Hell produce more converts?
"Closet abuse" or verbal abuse can affect the psyche of someone as much as physical abuse and because it leaves no external signs, is widely practiced by many. <BR> <BR>There have been a few stories, even in the good old Adventist Review of ministers, elders in the church, and others who consistently verbally abused their wives and children, yet because of their position, few family members reported it, and often when they did, it was dismissed with "It is you burden to bear, simply pray about it and be a good wife." <BR> <BR>Have those days gone? I know of cases where a man was a prominent head elder of the church, prayed pious prayers on Sabbath morning, but before attending church, verbally denigrated his family. Silence is the accomplice.
<b><font color="0000ff">verbally denigrated his family</font></b> <BR> <BR>I have seen such happen even online; alas, even on this forum. We all can do better. <IMG SRC="" ALT=":-(" BORDER=0> <BR><font color="ffffff"><font size="-2">.</font></font>
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