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#1 12-15-09 4:11 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 288

Boy Chastised for Terroristic Drawing

TAUNTON, Mass. —  An 8-year-old boy was sent home from school and ordered to undergo a psychological evaluation after he was asked to make a Christmas drawing and came up with what appeared to be a stick figure of Jesus on a cross... <BR> <BR> <BR>Superintendent Julie Hackett said she could not discuss an individual student and did not address the drawing specifically or the teacher&#39;s reaction to it, but did say the school has safety protocols in place that were followed. <BR> <BR><a href="" target=_top>,2933,580282,00.html ?test=latestnews</a> <BR> <BR>--------- <BR>This &#34;No tolerance&#34; policy has been getting a bit out of hand lately. <BR> <BR>A short while ago an Eagle scout with military camp training was suspended from his high school for having a two inch folding pocket knife that was in his first aid kit and locked in the trunk of his car. <BR> <BR><a href="" target=_top>,2933,565520,00.html</a> <BR> <BR> <BR>This type of nonsense isn&#39;t justice, it&#39;s abuse. Have these people lost their common sense?


#2 12-15-09 4:54 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 1,391

Re: Boy Chastised for Terroristic Drawing

It&#39;s the fear of litigation that no matter what is done, someone, somewhere will instigate a costly lawsuit. <BR> <BR>Oh, for the good ol&#39; days when there was commonsense. <BR> <BR>The charter schools that have been successful have such mandatory rules of respect and obedience that those troubles do not occur.  There should be more  such charter schools.


#3 12-16-09 12:38 am

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 288

Re: Boy Chastised for Terroristic Drawing

Uh Oh, someone seems to think that the father of the boy is not relating the story in it&#39;s correct details. I wonder if this means that the youngster wasn&#39;t sent to the psychologist either?  <BR> <BR> <BR><a href="" target=_top>,2933,580336,00.html ?test=latestnews</a> <BR> <BR>School: Father Not Telling Truth About Son&#39;s Suspension, Jesus Drawing <BR> <BR>Tuesday, December 15, 2009 <BR> <BR>  <BR>TAUNTON, Mass. —  A Massachusetts school district is rebutting a father&#39;s claims that his son was suspended from school after drawing a stick figure of Jesus on a cross. <BR> <BR>The Taunton School District said in a written statement Tuesday night that the second-grade student was never suspended over the drawing. It also said a drawing circulated to reporters by the boy&#39;s father, Chester Johnson, is not the same one that was discovered by the teacher. <BR> <BR>The district says the boy&#39;s teacher never assigned students to draw something that reminded them of the holiday season, as Johnson told reporters Tuesday. <BR> <BR>Johnson earlier said the boy made the drawing Dec. 2 after witnessing a holiday lights display. He said his son was suspended and ordered to undergo a psychological evaluation over concern about the drawing. <BR> <BR>Johnson did not return a phone message from The Associated Press on Tuesday night.


#4 12-16-09 10:49 pm

Registered: 10-01-09
Posts: 89

Re: Boy Chastised for Terroristic Drawing

If the story illustrates anything, it is that kids should not be exposed to violence - and this incudes crucifixes.


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