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Renie, just don't let the misogynists and "women should be seen but not heard" folks hear you say that.
Renie, maybe Evolution is really true, eh???
the evolution of morality is true.... <BR> <BR>back in the daze of the ancients, they butchered their own kids (both 4 and two legged varities)out of fear of gods who they believed controlled the weather and their survival... <BR> <BR>today we have Al Roker and 5 day forecasts. <BR>No longer need to sacrifice life to find out where the drought or tornadoes will be. <BR> <BR>Back in the daze of the goatherders, they bought and sold their wives and daughters.... <BR>today, if you do something wrong, they will do that to you. <BR> <BR>back in the daze of Noah, when the Persian Gulf flooded as sea levels rose due to glacial melting caused by Al Gore's global warming, they thought it was the entire world that got flooded, and they told the story of a farmer who rafted his goats and family to safety.....thereby saving the entire world. <BR> <BR>today a few folks think we can control nature by stopping our carbon output....which, btw, includes breathing out!!! while other folks, more educated, understand that the astrophysics of the earths orbit is involved along with cycles in the sun. <BR> <BR>the evolution of "progress" is in how much information we have learned.... not always our reactions!!!
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?
Its OK to beat your wife..... <BR> <BR>at least acording to this judge in Saudi.... <BR> <BR>RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) - A Saudi judge told a conference on domestic violence that a man has the right to slap a wife who spends money wastefully and said women were as much to blame as men for increased spousal abuse, a Saudi newspaper reported. <BR> <BR>The remarks do not carry the weight of law, as they were made out of court. But such public pronouncements by Saudi judges—who are also Islamic clerics—are often widely respected. <BR> <BR>A rights activist decried the remarks and said she and other campaigners viewed them as the latest setback in women's efforts to gain the right to vote, drive, freely participate in politics and be protected from violence. <BR> <BR> Activists have become more vocal in recent years in their criticism of cases involving women's rights, including what many see as the religious police's harsh enforcement of the segregation of sexes. <BR> <BR>"If a person gives 1,200 Saudi riyals ($320) to his wife and she spends 900 riyals ($240) to purchase an abaya (head-to-toe robe) from a brand shop and if her husband slaps her on the face as a reaction to her action, she deserves that punishment," Judge Hamad Al-Razine was quoted as saying by the English-language Arab News newspaper on Sunday. <BR> <BR><a href="" target=_top> show_article=1</a>
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?