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#1 03-10-09 7:23 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 3,790

Zaspel - Odd man out !!!!

Jews, Gentiles, & the
Goal of Redemptive History
An Exegetical & Theological Analysis of Romans 9-11



    So in the end we are left to say with Paul: Yes, God is doing in Gentiles what He has not yet been pleased to do in Israel. Their blindness is partial and temporary and for the benefit of Gentiles. We have been allowed to share in her blessings. But it does not follow that the church has superseded Israel or that the old promises are abrogated. This is to go beyond the language of Scripture. Unity there is, but with distinction.

I would differ with Zaspel, in that the Jews must accept the Messiah within a certain time before Christ's second Advent. To say that all the Biblical Covenants of the OT were not conditional is too far for me to step. This at worst is a return to Dispensationalism and at best to a Progressive Dispensationalism >


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