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<font color="0000ff">... you are both welcome to make fools out of yourselves. <BR> <BR>This earth with it's thin oxygen rich atmosphere, and tilt of it's axis that allows for life is no accident of evolution....</font> <BR> <BR>That's a classic combination of statements there Bob_2. In one sentence claiming that 2 of the educated, evidence believing contributors of this forum are making fools of themselves followed by a statement implying we would stupid enough to believe that the thinness of the atmosphere and tilt of the earth is due to evolution! <BR> <BR>I. Can't. Believe. You. Just. Wrote. That. <BR> <BR>If I tried I couldn't make a fool of myself anywhere near the level you just did. <BR> <BR>Thanks for the laugh!!!
What caused the 23.5 degrees tilt of earth's axis? And what caused its spin around itself, today 24-hours long? <BR> <BR> <BR><a href="" target=_top></a> <BR> <BR>Best Answer - Chosen by Voters <BR>GOD!!!!! <BR> <BR>possible Other Answer (and the one prefered by scientists!!) <BR> <BR><font color="0000ff"> <BR>Earth probably had a relatively slow spin, with the equator probably very close to it's orbital plane, and about 3/4 the mass it does today, when a Mars-sized object impacted it early in it's development. <BR> <BR>The impact was a glancing blow, imparting a higher spin rate, as well as knocking our poles off-kilter by about 23.5 degrees. The impact ejected a lot of material into space, which collected to form the moon. <BR> <BR>Shortly after the impact, our day was likely about 10.5 to 12 hours long, and the moon was much, much closer than it is now. <BR> <BR>The moon was close enough to raise large tides on the Earth, and this 'tidal bulge' was always carried forward due to Earth's rapid rotation. The moon was gravitationally attracted to the bulge, which pulled the moon forward, adding energy to it's orbit, and robbing that energy from the Earth's spin, slowing it down. <BR> <BR>The effect is still active today, and we see the moon moving away from the Earth at under an inch per year. When Neil Armstrong first stepped on the moon, it was about a yard closer than it is today, and our day is slightly longer than it was then also.</font> <BR> <BR>so either God spoke the earth into existance with its 23 degree tilt, to enable us to have seasons <BR> <BR>or <BR> <BR>about 3.8 billion years ago, He bowled a strike with a planetesimal into the earth, probably the Pacific Basin... blowing out debris which coalesced into the moon in orbit around the earth, and left the Pacific Ring of Fire, also imparting earth's higher rate of spin <BR> <BR>If you believe the bowling with planets version, <BR>God later bowled a small asteroid into the Yucatan, and snuffed out over half of life on earth, and buried the dinos 65 myo under the iridium layer. <BR> <BR>Or if you believe the created in place version, <BR>maybe God created dinos, <img src="" alt=""> <BR> didn't like them, later changed His mind, and just buried them all, sprinkling asteroid dust (the iridium) over them. <BR> <BR>Then he modifying the rate of decay of radioactive materials to make it look as tho this had been a recent event. Thereby fooling mankind into believeing the backwards science of a small, nomadic tribe which couldn't even find its own way for 40 years out of the Sinai Desert, but they were careful enuf to hide all evidence of their having been there by the millions. <BR> <BR>A few years later, This Heavenly Father/Loving God became so angry with people, that He decided to kill everybody and everything else, EVEN INNOCENT PLANTS AND ANIMALS, in a massive flood, for which He carefully left insufficient evidence to prove how angry he had been to try to kill everything. <BR> <BR>But at least He planned ahead, and notified the sloths <img src="" alt=""> in Central and S. America that they had to climb down from hanging around in trees; He taught them to swim, and stockpile a years supply of tender, young leaves and fresh water, and go swim across the pacific ocean to meet up with Noah, somehow get into the Ark,<img src="" alt=""> <BR>(they can't walk...because of their claws which God designed for them to hang around in trees), then they had to live thru a storm, get by on minimal water and food, take turns shoveling and siphoning their wastes overboard, then, after the storm, 6 pair of sloths had to watch in silence as a clean pair of sloths was murdered by Noah in God's name as sacrifice, then the remaining onew swam back across the pacific ocean to Central And S. America, and NO WHERE ELSE. <BR> <BR> <BR>ya, that's the story.
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?
<font color="0000ff">Neal without his pjorative manner would not have half the attention he gets. He needs to quit insulting and talking so abusively....</font> <BR> <BR>Here's the King Of Abuse himself, Bob_2:<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1><b>quote:</b></font><p>Posted on Monday, September 29, 2008 - 3:36 am: <BR> <BR>What the hedouble tooth pick are you guys so obsessed about. I know you are both atheistic asses, donkeys.... <BR> <BR>Suck rocks !!!!! or eat sh*t and die.<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote> <BR><b><font color="ff0000">Your level of hypocrisy is mind boggling Oh Great Virtuous Believer!</font></b>
John, Pangea, would negate the need to swim anywhere. John Buamgardner's theory/model fo Catastophic Plat Tectonics is as legitimate science as any Darwinistic speculation or extrapolation. The model works, both ways, depending on your premise and the data used.
Neal, frustration after badgering, and bickering (encouraged by the previous owner of <a href="" target=_top></a> does funny things to people. I must not be any exception. Context, Context, Context.
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1><b>quote:</b></font><p><b>Happy Birthday, Mr. Darwin?</b> <BR> <BR>God: Good morning, Son. <BR> <BR>Kent Hovind: Good morning, Lord. <BR> <BR>God: You have been using knee-mail for quite a while now. <BR> <BR>KH: Yes, Lord, and I love it! I’ve learned so much about Your Word, Your world, and my small part in Your Kingdom. Thanks for letting me use it. <BR> <BR>God: You are welcome, Son. Your simple email system on earth is only two-dimensional. It only reaches people on earth at current times, and only if they have access. My knee-mail is 4D. You can talk with anyone, anywhere, and at anytime – past, present, or future. You can talk with people in Heaven or Hell as well. Today, I’d like you to knee-mail Charles Darwin. He’d love to hear from you. <BR> <BR>KH: Ok, Lord…Excuse me, Mr. Darwin. Do you have a minute? <BR> <BR>Charles Darwin (CD): Do I have a minute? Do I have a minute?! I have billions of years! I’ve been in hell for 127 years, and my sentence hasn’t even started yet. I was a fool. What do you want with me? <BR> <BR>KH: Well, the 200th anniversary of your birthday is coming up soon (Feb. 12, 2009), and I thought I’d wish you a happy birthday. <BR> <BR>CD: Oh, it will not be a happy birthday. I wish I had never been born (Job 3:3-13; Mat. 26:24). My life on earth was filled with heartache and misery, and now I’m in Hell, waiting for God’s judgment (II Cor. 5:10-11; Heb. 9:27; 10:27, 31; Rev. 20:14). I’m terrified of facing Him! I have a long list of sins to answer for. I wish I had never been born! I’m sure it will not be a happy day for me. <BR> <BR>KH: But I read a story that you had repented on your deathbed and been saved. <BR> <BR>CD: Lady Hope started that story after I died. She travelled around for years telling that story. Oh, how I wish it were true! <BR> <BR>KH: I’m sorry. I’m also writing to ask you a few questions about your book, “On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life.” This year is the 150th anniversary of its publication. <BR> <BR>CD: Yes it is, and that’s one book I really dread facing God over! I wish I had never written it. <BR> <BR>KH: Why? <BR> <BR>CD: Well, I didn’t start the evolution idea, but my book sure made it spread like wildfire! I never dreamed that my book would cause so much trouble! Karl Marx used it to justify his theories of Communism. Since I’ve been down here, I’ve seen hundreds of millions of souls come to hell because of that evil system. My book plays a great part in that godless philosophy. I’m in serious trouble when I face God! <BR> <BR>KH: The world has seen unbelievable suffering because of Communism, and it is about to get worse, I think (<a href="" target=_top></a>). <BR> <BR>CD: My book was also a very big factor in the thinking of Adolph Hitler. He believed the Aryan race had evolved further than the rest. He thought he could speed up the evolution process by eliminating the races he thought were inferior. What a slaughter that stupid idea brought on! Thousands came down here every day – for years! And I share in the blame! <BR> <BR>KH: Hitler did what was right in his own eyes like everyone else (Judges 17:6; 21:25; Prov. 14:12). He thought he was doing God a service (John 16:2). Why did you write a book that would enflame racism in the world? <BR> <BR>CD: I was such a fool! All nations are of one blood (Acts 17:26). I know that now, but then, I was a racist, myself. I convinced myself of my own theory. I wanted so badly for evolution to be true that I lied and made up evidence. I deceived myself (II Tim. 3:13)! Woe is me! I’m in trouble! Millions of students are still being taught my stupid theory, and most believe it! They are dropped into Hell by the thousands every day, largely because of me! My life’s work keeps them from going to Jesus for forgiveness. What a fool I was! Hey Kent, can you help me? <BR> <BR>KH: If I’m allowed. What can I do? <BR> <BR>CD: Go warn people not to fall for my dumb ideas. Tell them not to come to this place of torment (Luke 16:27-28). <BR> <BR>KH: I’ve been doing that for years, Mr. Darwin. Some listen, and some don’t. I think that many like your theory because it gives them freedom from God and His rules. <BR> <BR>CD: That’s what I liked about it too, but it’s all based on a lie. There is a God! Everyone will face Him one day! That will be a fearful thing - to fall into the hands of the living God (Heb. 10:31)! <BR> <BR>KH: I know. It is the terror of the Lord that motivates me to tell others about Jesus (II Cor. 5:11). I read the story of the rich man in Hell (Luke 16:19-31). I knew that the only thing that could bring him any comfort was the idea that someone could warn his brothers not to go to Hell (Luke 16:27-28). So, if it’s any comfort to you, February 9th, just three days before your birthday, God saved my soul, 40 years ago. And I’ve given most of those 40 years to winning souls for Jesus (Prov. 11:30; Dan. 12:3), and most of the last 20 years have been focused on rescuing people fooled by your theory. I’ve only been able to undo a tiny fraction of the damage, but there are many others spreading the creation message as well. <BR> <BR>CD: Please tell them to hurry! It’s much more urgent than they know! <BR> <BR>KH: I’ll do my best. Happy Birthday, Mr. Darwin. <BR> <BR>CD: Mine won’t be for me, but I hope yours is for you. Please keep spreading the creation message! Happy Birthday, Kent. <BR> <BR>KH: Thanks…Hey God? It looks like we are really close to the end of this time, and that You will come and set up Your Kingdom soon (Dan. 2:44). <BR> <BR>God: Closer than you know, Son. <BR> <BR>KH: Would You please work in my case to get my wife and me released so we can finish our race as free people? The 11th Circuit judges can fix all this in two seconds. <BR> <BR>God: People are watching your videos and getting saved while you are locked up. I know what I’m doing. Your case is under control. I’ve got your back, Son. Go to the Bible study. <BR> <BR>KH: Ok, Lord. I love You! <BR> <BR>God: I love you too, Son. <BR> <BR><a href="" target="_blank"></a><!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
Maybe add that to your new Bible, and maybe Jack Blanco could be an advisor. Wouldn't that be "conveeeeeenient".
but would Pangea have helped sloths get to the ark? it broke up hundreds of millions of years ago.... <BR> <BR>and the flood....was only a few thousand years ago, so there was this huge ocean between the sloths and the ark... <BR> <BR>and in one oftheworlds greatest ironies, some people actually believe that ALL animals were saved on theark... <BR> <BR>which would include sloths... <BR> <BR>shich onlylive in Central andS. America... <BR> <BR>so they had to SWIM the pacific ocean to get to the ark to be saved from a flood!!! <BR> <BR>and they can't even walk, much less swim!!!! <BR> <BR>ironic, no?
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?
You haven't taken Catastophic Plate Tectonics into account, you make your assumptions and limitations to an all powerful, God. John can't think it so it must be foolishness. Be careful going up against God!!! You and Maggie get pretty brazen for humans.
<font color="0000ff">You haven't taken Catastophic Plate Tectonics into account....</font> <BR> <BR>Maybe John doesn't take it into account because John doesn't go to a doctor for theories on how to fix his car? Your PHYSICIST Baumgardner's theories have been debunked by GEOLOGISTS.<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1><b>quote:</b></font><p><b><font color="ff0000">The hypothesis of catastrophic plate tectonics is considered pseudoscience and <font size="+1">is rejected by the vast majority of geologists in favor of the conventional geological theory of plate tectonics.</font></font></b> It has been argued that the tremendous release of energy necessitated by such an event would boil off the Earth's oceans, making a global flood impossible.[46] Not only does catastrophic plate tectonics lack any plausible geophysical mechanism by which its changes might occur, it also is contradicted by considerable geological evidence (which is in turn consistent with conventional plate tectonics), including:[47] <BR> <BR> * The fact that a number of volcanic oceanic island chains, such as the Hawaiian islands, yield evidence of the ocean floor having moved over volcanic hot spots. These islands have widely ranging ages (determined via both radiometric dating and relative erosion) that contradict the catastrophic tectonic hypothesis of rapid development and thus a similar age. <BR> * Radiometric dating and sedimentation rates on the ocean floor likewise contradict the hypothesis that it all came into existence nearly contemporaneously. <BR> * Catastrophic tectonics does not allow sufficient time for guyots to have their peak eroded away (leaving these seamounts' characteristic flat tops). <BR> * Runaway subduction does not explain the kind of continental collision illustrated by that of the Indian and Eurasian Plates. (For further information see Orogeny.) <BR> <BR>Conventional plate tectonics accounts for the geological evidence already, including innumerable details that catastrophic plate tectonics cannot, such as why there is gold in California, silver in Nevada, salt flats in Utah, and coal in Pennsylvania, without requiring any extraordinary mechanisms to do so.[47][48]<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote> <BR><a href="" target=_top></a>
You know they may be right, not pure science, because if a trancendant God who said He initiated it and did it globally with 10,000 years of earth's history, science would not be able to explain it with Uniformitarian Theory. <BR> <BR>I think I agree with Neal on this one.
<b><font color="0000ff">God who said He initiated it. </font></b> <BR> <BR>No, it was men who said God initiated it. How easily it is forgotten that man wrote about a god they had never seen or talked to or touched. Their imagination gave them different ideas, which is why God is described so many ways by the Bible writers.
<font color="0000ff">...that man wrote about a god they had never seen or talked to or touched.</font> <BR> <BR>Well...I wasn't' I iz old...yew mus' be <i>really</i> old...those were the days, eh, Elaine? <BR> <BR><img src="" alt="old">
We don't really know what those Bible writers experienced or didn't experience from God, or how it did or did not get lost in the translation. <BR> <BR>I'm jus' sayin'.... <BR> <BR><img src="" alt="snack">
Maggie, you feel alot better not mocking and praying more. God is great.
Thanks for your advice, Bob.
<img src="" alt="Growing Up In the Universe"> <BR> <BR><a href="" target="_blank"></a> <BR> <BR>There are five free videos in this series on YouTube.
You need to fill your mind with material that really leads to belief and salvation, not someone that believes in atheism, dust and distruction as the end result. This may be your problem, even the Bible tells one to guard the portals to the mind. Have you??? <BR> <BR>Some can study Dawkins to better understand, but like the church I was attending in St. Louis, when the new Mormon Temple was about to be dedicated, a tour of the "unbelievers" was allowed. It was beautiful, not what I expected, but some chose not to go on the tour, Why?? Because they felt they would be lead astray, they did not trust their own minds. My question, how did they trust their own minds to believe as they did at the current time????
So...may I, or may I not trust my own mind? <BR> <BR>Seeking your permission, Bob. <IMG SRC="" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0> <BR> <BR> can I <i>really</i> know if I should trust your judgments about what I need to "fill my mind" with? <BR> <BR>Should I just have faith in you?
have faith in "Oh".... not b-OH-b... <BR><img src="" alt="">
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?
But...but...I would have to have faith in YOU to take that advice...and...and...Bob2 wants me to have faith in HIM! <BR> <BR>Oh, dear. What's a girl to do....
Maggie I am not applying for that job. You need to seek professional help in the religious area or in the pschy area, no offense intended, but if you are blown by every wind of doctrine, you need a solid believer, as an uncle type to keep you out fo trouble. Don't be leaping from one bad group to another, with bad emotional and physical results, is my opinion, but I repeat, I AM NOT APPLYING FOR THE JOB!!!!!!
And I'm not hiring. <IMG SRC="" ALT=":-)" BORDER=0> <BR> <BR>But here's a job opening, if anyone needs a little excitement: <BR> <BR><a href="" target="_blank"> timejob.htm</a> <BR> <BR><font size="-2">Does this means you're gonna stop <i>volunteering</i> to sort me out and set me straight?</font>
Maggie, I am not into time travel with weapons, but into office efficiency. Here's one of my improvements, click on "Here's what he really needed" for the new Version 8.0 Comfortmodel. <BR> <BR><a href="" target=_top> m</a> <BR> <BR>(Message edited by Bob_2 on February 17, 2009)
<> <BR> <BR>(Message edited by maggie on February 17, 2009)