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"Neal if I were you I would be obsessing over the consequences of Atheistism." <BR> <BR>Bob, an Athiest is one that does not believe that there is a God. Having understood that, you must realize that one cannot mock that which is not there. One can mock the one that believes that there is a God, yet can offer no proof, because to him it can only appear as foolishness. So, to him that believes not, there is no consequences to obsess over, even if you believe there is. Therefore, when you rant and rave on an Athiest as if you are defending God, you are not only wasting your time, but you are insulting the Athiest. I don't know how you can bring someone to a connection with God through that method. It's not as if you are defending the true God against a lesser and false god, such as Baal and his followers did. Those guys believed in a deity, or many deities, and mocked the true God. <BR> <BR>I have no question of the existence of God, because in doing an open an honest search in asking Him to show me that He exists, He did, through the presence of His Spirit. This became my faith, my trust. <BR> <BR>"Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." I can feel strongly, without any doubt, the reality of God's presence within and around me; this is the "substance". It actually touches ones senses. However, I can't see the Holy Spirit, but His presence affecting my senses is the evidence. "Oh taste and see that the Lord is good, blessed is the man that trusteth in Him". <BR> <BR> <BR>Now I, for myself, have proof of when God says "If you search for me with all your heart, you will find me", because it became true to me by the affirmation of His Holy spirit's presence. His presence visits me on a daily basis when I commune with Him in His word and meditate on what He reveals. <BR>Those who have not had this experience would most likely figure that I want to believe so strongly that I am conjuring this presence up in my imagination, but it comes and goes, and at varying strengths, at it's whim, as I think on eternal themes. Sometimes it appears unexpectedly while I am not consciously meditating, and I have learned to be aware of a persons arrival or a lesson or an event to soon take place. It is all a reality. <BR> <BR>On top of all this, do I see myself as holier than others from my experience? No, I see that we are all under an inescapable curse of a selfish nature that is destructive to ourselves and others, and we can only gradually overcome as we reason with the loving Spirit of God and become more submissive to trusting and obeying. This gives me a realization that myself and all on this earth are all in the same boat. I may be better off for having come to see things in a way that I once had no understanding of, and many don't or haven't yet, but I am no better than anyone else on this planet. Whether one is caught up in the high end of greed or the low end of gang mentality or destitute and in depression living under the bridge, the people that know God will be unable to condemn and set any at naught, because they know that they live apart from His Spirit and the hope and fulfillment that it brings. From this I can see that there is an escape from the false security of the material world into the eternal reality and full security of the Spiritual world and I yearn and work that all can have it. <BR> <BR>Believe it or not Bob, Neal and John provide a very valuable contribution to this forum. I see the dealings with God and man and it's portrayals as a march of progression from our fallible understanding of Him, His creation and our relationship to our fellow man. We need to listen to each other. <BR> <BR>By my weighing scientific evidence and the Bible's teachings, I conclude that there is a society outside of the one on this planet, and it is visited by spirit beings. The society is teaching us to live communally for each other and in return all needs will be fulfilled. The society has an order of each serving each other at different levels of intelligence and skill. They don't do it for self aggrandizement or selfish reward, but so that each may live. They trust that the order, the co-operative life is in the best interest of all and that the willing trust they put in the author of it has only their wefare and best interest in his designs. They are content that they are in the best possible positions to fulfill this life and insure it's etrnal existence. They know this is all done out of a love that gives and not a desire to arbitrarily control in selfish satisfaction. They know and trust that there can only be one system and one head in order for this to be sucessful. There are spiritual emissaries from heaven that endeaver to teach us this here. When we have a genuine desire to become part of that we then have something to give and will become engrafted into the system. We will have internal joy and peace knowing that as we perform our willing servitude we give life to each other. This is true love, it's not just the emotional affection that the world sees, it's the total encompassing of the methods and order in the society of the loving author's design. It will take place here and then spread throughout the universe as it was first planned, but delayed through the interruption of an opposing spirit. <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR>"Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." <BR> <BR>Sometimes you have to slow down to catch up. <BR> <BR> <BR>Cadge
<b><font color="0000ff"> Ignor it at your peril. It ain't me, it's the Bible </font></b> <BR> <BR>How is this working for you as a way to getting folks to commit to your god? <BR> <BR>The fear of Hades is more than 2,000 years old and if it were successful, there would be a world full of Christians. Proof that it's not working. <BR> <BR>Doing the same thing over and over again and hoping for different results is the best definition of insanity.
What, ignoring knowledge???
more arguments against evolution.... <BR>(and the reasons they don't succeed) <BR> <BR><a href="" target=_top></a>
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?
<a href="" target=_top></a> <BR> <BR>"There are no transitional fossils" <BR> <BR>Huh? Here's one that was trying to turn into everything: <BR> <BR><a href="" target=_top> tml?_r=1&th&emc=th</a> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR>Cadge
wow..never heard of those animals!!!! <BR>totally weird!!! <BR> <BR>I wonder if Noah saved 2 pair or 7 pair of those on the ark? and after the flood, they only swam back to their jungle island and nowhere else.
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?