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BTW, did you know that we Finns have had an EGW of our own? <BR> <BR>Her name was Maria Åkerblom (if you don't see the first letter of the surname correctly, you should adjust the character set of your browser in such a way that you see an A and above it a little circle) <BR> <BR>Maria could perform miracles EGW could not perform. <BR> <BR>For example she could be in two different places simultaneously, as numerous of her followers declared under oath. They were convicted for perjury, but anyway, there is a miracle involved. <BR> <BR>Either she really could be seen in two different places at the same time, <BR> <BR>or she could persuade her followers to commit perjury. <BR> <BR>She was able to escape from prison several times, one time even from a moving train though the window of WC, without any greater harm. <BR> <BR>And her followers obeyed her without posing questions. Many gave their possession to her, has she has seen in vision that they should do it. <BR> <BR>And after having read a book dealing with her prophetic ministry, my thoughts came back to the miracles EGW allegedly performed. <BR> <BR>For example the famous case of supporting the heavy bible while in visionary state. <BR> <BR>After all, how many feats by EGW actually were attested in a courtroom by those, who claimed to have been witnesses? <BR> <BR>Actually I remember only the case of Israel Dammon trial. <BR> <BR>The question is not trivial, because for many SDAs "the miracles" are decisive, when they ponder, whether EGW was divinely inspired or not. <BR> <BR>At least that was decisive for me in my youth. <BR> <BR>If you strip her from all those "supernatural" elements, how much will remain as a support for her ministry? <BR> <BR>Links for readers versed in Finnish: <BR><a href="" target=_top></a> <BR> <BR><a href="" target=_top></a> <BR> <BR> <BR>For Swedish readers: <BR><a href="" target=_top></a> <BR> <BR> <BR>For other readers <BR><a href="" target=_top></a> <BR> <BR> <BR>A link mentioning Åkerblom and SDAs, too.: <BR> <BR><a href="" target=_top> A104&lpg=PA104&dq=%22Maria+Akerblom&source=web&ots =TlU62fJ0KG&sig=nvjPDt8ZOgAqMUVsc0hm5HQErBk&hl=en& sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=5&ct=result#PPA104,M1</a> <BR> <BR> <BR>By the way, the bishop of the Swedish diocese in Finland, Mr. Gustaf Björkstrand, wrote his dissertation just on Maria Åkerblom. <BR> <BR><a href="" target=_top> nd</a> <BR> <BR><a href="" target=_top></a>
Pauli, a good place to really get the scoop and add to the forum is Go to forums and then SDAs. Many new things have been dug up on Mrs. White that prove she was a false prophet. This new information has the church reeling. The apologists cannot give near satisfactory answers. The problem is most Adventists don't seem to care. They are sure that someone can prove her true. Just maybe Cliff Goldstein...... <BR> <BR>Many shove her under the rug, but the hierarchy keeps bringing her to the forefront. Too bad.