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For some years I've thought that those religions survive, which are the fittest, not those which are the most correct or most biblical. <BR> <BR>But what makes a religion/denomination fit? <BR> <BR>IMO: time, history, environment. <BR> <BR>Had EGW lived for example in Finland when she actually lived in United States, she would have been a citizen of the Grand Duchy of Finland, a duchy belonging personally to the czar of Russia. <BR> <BR>As the predominant religion here was Lutheranism (the most eastern parts, where Greek Orthodoxy prevailed, excluded), <BR> <BR>in all probability she would have been expelled to Siberia and that would been her demise. There would have been no Adventism as we know it. <BR> <BR> <BR>OTOH, had Maria Ã…kerblom been living in U.S.A., <BR> <BR>many of us would be born to the worl-wide-church of Ã…kerblomianism, probably a greater denomination than Adventism now, because Ã…kerblom was IMHO a much more convincing personality than EGW, <BR> <BR>and we would argue by saying "but sister Maria had said..." <BR> <BR>So it pays to be born in a right country just in proper time. <BR> <BR> <BR>When dealing with religions, what counts is the survival of the fittest, nothing else. <BR> <BR>Many fine religions have perished, just because they were not fit enough in that particular time/place.
<font color="0000ff">what counts is the survival of the fittest,</font> <BR> <BR>and Christianity tries to convince new adherants with love, kindness, and often fantastic, (too often) unbelieveable stories..sometimes successfully, especially in third world countries...decreasingly in the educated West.. <BR> <BR>while... <BR> <BR>Islam spread itself at the point of a sword...and the promise of virgins....and continues to try to do so... <BR> <BR>Bhuddism spread peacefully in the past, but is now being stamped out by the Chi-coms secular least in Tibet....maybe even Nepal next... <BR> <BR>so which will succeed? survive...and prove itself the "most fit"? <BR> <BR>I'm betting on this to explain it all... <BR>just click here and wait for everything to "load": <BR><img src="" alt="">
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?
And it's always the victor or more powerful who decides (in religion) what is orthodoxy and all else is heresy. <BR> <BR>Pauli, I agree that Adventism was unique to the U.S. and its time was the religious revival that was blossoming in the part of New England that was most receptive to new religious ideals. It was there that Unitarianism, transcendantalism, The Church of Science and Mormonism were born. <BR> <BR>There has to be receptiveness to a new religion and idea for it to be born and survive. There was also people who believed in visions and trances and were convinced that they were God-sent. <BR> <BR>Today, no new religion with such features could be adopted by people. Just as all during the Middle Ages and until about 200 years ago, people believed in demons, witchcraft and all kinds of superstitions, the psychological and mental acceptance must be ready to accept such manifestations for them to be believed. <BR> <BR>The sociology of religion is an interesting topic and reveals why certain people in particular places and time adopt certain beliefs.
<font color="0000ff">no new religion with such features could be adopted by people.</font> <BR> <BR>"global warming" and "save the planet" seem to be turning into the religion of the illuminati.. <BR> usual, without fully understanding the science behind it... <BR> <BR>the world's temperature "spike" seems to have started about 18,000 yrs ago...well before the invention of the infernal combustion machine and its CO2 spewing properties. <BR> <BR><img src="" alt=""> <BR> <BR>and that coincides with the beginning of the melting of the glaciers and the rise of sea levels....
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?