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#1 04-08-09 10:43 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 3,790

Mayor of Ariel, West Bank Israel / Evangelical John Hagee

Israeli Settlement Seeks Protection <BR> <BR>But it is 11 miles deep into the West Bank!!!!! <BR> <BR>Who&#39;s financing this city/settlement? Evangelical John Hagee, American Dispensationalist extrodinaire. He believes the money is well spent because he believes the Jews will accept Christ the Messiah at Judgment Day, His Second Coming.  <BR> <BR>Is He right or a crackpot???? He has thrown a monkey wrench into the two state solution negotiation and the security wall Israel is building.  <BR> <BR>Read about this weird situation:  <BR> <BR><a href="" target=_top> r/part3.html</a> <BR> <BR>Talk about a serious Dispensationalist!!! Putting his money where is mouth is.


#2 04-09-09 5:08 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 1,391

Re: Mayor of Ariel, West Bank Israel / Evangelical John Hagee

The Christian Right has been supporting the Israeli settlements in Palestinian territories for many years.  Doesn&#39;t that give the Palestinians reason to object?


#3 04-10-09 12:46 am

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 3,790

Re: Mayor of Ariel, West Bank Israel / Evangelical John Hagee

My question is, does the Right have the correct interpretation, that the Jews have a role in end time events or as I have been saying, they have to accept Christ NOW before the end of time like everyone else, or does that CHOSEN status kick in end times??? or is the Christian Church Spiritual Israel and the Jews are totally out of it except on an individual acceptance of the Messiah.


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