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<b><font color="0000ff">It's kinda hard to criticize someone who is eating a piece of bacon when you have a pig valve in your heart.</font></b> <BR> <BR>Some of us have learned the hard way that unsolicited criticism of another on matters of lifestyle is almost always counter-productive. <BR> <BR>My task, and it is hard enough as it is, is to live a healthful lifestyle. My son challenges me on this. He says, if you don't do it for yourself, do it for me. Kind of charming. And, he is right. I owe it to my family to live a healthful lifestyle. <BR><font color="ffffff"><font size="-2">.</font></font>
Renie, you and I simply can't understand the inconsistency of such rules. They don't make sense, and if it doesn't make any sense, I refuse to adopt it. Shouldn't that be a rule for most things in our lives? Why should we accept a plan to make lots of money, interest paid at 25-50%? Those are the people who get suckered in to Ponzi schemes; and the worst ones are Christians selling other Christians. Think of all the people who had "faith" and didn't use common sense or logic and lost everything. Why gamble?
Don, like your figures of Tricinosis (sp) in Europe for eaching horse flesh, Europeans, are know, are they not for eating their meat rare. Our mutual sister in law actually felt drinking blood had medicinally purpose, yet she is dead and we alive. Was it realative, maybe not, but choices have conscequences, and if you choose habits that can pass on blood disease or infections, one has to accept the effects, whether you believe in freedom to eat what you want. <BR> <BR>A mission trip was planned to a central Ameriacan country from our church. A construction handyman, huge guy, decided to mingle in the life style of the locals, which included eating "bush meat", which his stomach and body could not handle like the locals. Bush meat is anything that moves in the jungle that will be allowed to be shot and killed for eating. Needless to say, the construction worker from America got sick , but lived but it ruined his trip and his effectiveness. <BR> <BR>My wife and daughter went to Guatamala on a mission trip from John Brown University, my daughters Alma Mater. They had cooks arranged by the Professor chaperone that assurred that the American stomach was respected. They did not get sick. <BR> <BR>Is it sin to eat "bush meat" not necessarily, but if you know it will harm your body and you partake, what is said about the body being a temple???
<img src="" alt=""> <BR> <BR>Sorry all you PETA supporters, but given the connect between mad cow and humans, HIV and Apes/monkey's are you taking you life in your hands partaking, as in Indiana Jones banquet scene, monkey brains, I think you are.
<a href="" target=_top> otogalleries/bushmeat_2/</a> <BR> <BR>In case you are about ready to write to Ryan to have this picture removed, not the source, National Geograpic. I promise I will not show any pictures of naked natives of female african even though this pulication is known for it, but I believe the picture can show there needs to be a limit to what we ingest.
need more reasons to be a <a href="" target="_blank">...vegetarian..?</a> and fully appreciate the beauty of nature? <BR> <BR>'d we get off track skewering atheists on this thread ...after all, God is gonna enjoy the odor of BBQ'ing them, right? <BR> <BR> <BR>(Message edited by john8verse32 on May 17, 2009)
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?
John, from your quote and article in "Evidence for Creation..." thread note this quote, and the way that Athiests sort of resemble the same behavior, which was the point of my starting this thread. I'm all for civility, are you?? You willing to stand up to ALL who don't practice it???: <BR> <BR><blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1><b>quote:</b></font><p>I am not naive enough to expect that many creationists will actually read all of these chapters. My experience with them (from many emails) is that they have no interest in learning about science. Their only interests are in defending their own beliefs at all cost and heaping abuse on anything or anyone that challenges their beliefs. I am usually polite to such people so long as they are. But while they usually begin politely enough, sooner or later they become abusive and start quoting verses from the Bible, praying for me, or damning me to hell. Then I terminate the exchange, for it is clearly not productive. The psychology and personalities of these people is very much like that of pseudoscientists, zealots and cranks of all stripes: flat earthers, hollow earthers, perpetual motionists, and defenders of ether theories. <BR> <BR><!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote> <BR> <BR><a href="" target=_top> pc=16&post=5674#POST5674</a> <BR> <BR>(Message edited by Bob_2 on June 20, 2009)
Not just protect the "girls"?... But truly stand for civilty. I could get behind you on that sort of effort.