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egalitarianism <BR> <BR>1 : a belief in human equality especially with respect to social, political, and economic rights and privileges <BR>2 : a social philosophy advocating the removal of inequalities among people <BR> <BR> <BR>Now begin reading this blog: <BR> <BR> <BR>God’s Love For Us <BR> <BR><a href="" target=_top></a> <BR> <BR><blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1><b>quote:</b></font><p>If love for each other were the dominating emotional desire in the world, we would be one big happy family. Wouldn’t that be wonderful? But as we all know, that will never be the case. The reason is because we have a free will that is concerned mostly with self-interest and self-preservation. <BR> <BR>What if a few of us wanted to start a group of people who would love and care for each other as much as they cared for themselves, and not be concerned with how they would make out because someone else would be caring for their welfare? That sounds too good to be true. <BR> <BR>Genuine love is a powerful force. The closest we come to displaying that powerful love is the love a mother and father have for their children. The only thing is that the children may not have the same love for their parents. What if the parents tested their children to see which ones could return close to the same love they received from their parents? Then the rest of the children would somehow be separated. This is a hypothetical situation illustrating what will happen when our Heavenly Father will separate the sheep from the goats, or His loving children from those who love and care for themselves more than others. <BR> <BR>Even though it is not mentioned in scripture, it is logical to presume that all who will be qualified for heaven will still have their free will for all eternity. That is the test we are now going through here on earth. Doesn’t that sound fair? It is a tough test, but nevertheless, it is the only way it can be done. To have one self-centered person in heaven would disrupt the whole love process. <BR> <BR>With that said, genuine Christianity is simple enough for a child to understand. And still we have hundreds if not thousands of so-called Christian religions, all claiming theirs is the right one. <BR> <BR>There is one catch: in order to love as aforementioned, Christians initially have to be filled with Divine love before they can love each other without concern for self. That is where things get mixed up. <BR> <BR>It all has to do with the belief process. First, we must believe all that Jesus Christ did for us by His life and death. That makes Him our Savior and Lord. It is easy enough to accept Him as our Savior, but His Lordship is where many of us get derailed. Being our Lord (boss) means that we must do exactly what He commands. And when we don’t obey His teaching, our relationship could get severed if we continue to disobey. <BR> <BR>But when we do what Jesus teaches, then what kicks in is the incredible love that God the Father has for us. God’s love for us makes us SUPERHUMANS. How so? We must not just say that God loves us, but actually feeds on that love, thus making us feel indispensable. That love cannot be described in human words. The best way I can describe it is to believe that each individual Christian has his or her own God to personally love and care for her or him. <BR> <BR>...<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote> <BR> <BR>Is that describing egalitarianism???
I logged on to the author's web site. Read through most of his statements. I came away very uncomfortable with his writings. <BR> <BR>We Christians are way too hard on ourselves. It is just plain impossible for any of us to live this life unselfishly. We are very selfish people. We try to care about others more than ourselves, but self always gets in the way. <BR> <BR>I have come to the place, where I think, like Elaine, that I'll do the best I can and try not to sweat the outcome. If the Lord feels I am eligible for heaven, I will be there. If not, I won't. <BR> <BR>I feel sorry for anyone, like the author, who believes in a burning hell. What a horrible concept. What kind of a god would inflict that kind of punishment on his people? <BR> <BR> And, I felt his criticism of Mormons and other religions was over the line.
but according to the Bible...not all people are equal......women are 2nd rate humans according to the Old Test... <BR> <BR>must be virgins before marriage <BR>can't own property <BR>can't inherit fathers stuff <BR>can't vote <BR>can't show their faces in public <BR>can't stay in camp for one week each month <BR>can't complain about their husbands adding another wife and kids to the family <BR>can't be priests.... <BR> but they can be "none"..... <BR> <BR>women are at best 2nd rate... <BR> <BR>even according to the RCC's and SDA's interpretation of the New Test... <BR> <BR>but this soon-to-be defrocked catholic priest claims that women should not only be equal, but should also be ordained!!! <BR> <BR>its only fair!!! <BR> <BR><a href="" target=_top> icles/2009/08/24/excommunicated_priest_takes_catho lic_church_to_task_for_not_ordaining_women/?p1=Wel l_MostPop_Emailed6</a> <BR> <BR>and since there are a shortage of potential (non predatory) priests in Boston, maybe it will be safer for altar boys to genuflect to women priests. <BR> <BR>(Message edited by john8verse32 on August 24, 2009)
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?