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<b><font size="+1">New service lets Jews tweet a prayer to God</font></b> <BR> <BR>By STEVE WEIZMAN (WaPo) <BR>The Associated Press <BR>Thursday, July 23, 2009 1:59 PM <BR> <BR>JERUSALEM -- For centuries, people have stuffed prayers written on scraps of paper into the ancient cracks in the Western Wall in the Old City of Jerusalem. In recent years they could fax or e-mail their prayers - and now they can tweet them, too. <BR> <BR>The Western Wall now has its own address on the social networking service, Twitter, allowing believers around the globe to have their prayers placed between its 2,000 year-old-stones without leaving their armchairs. <BR> <BR>The service's founder, Alon Nil, says petitioners can tweet their prayers, and they will be printed out and taken to the wall, where they will join the thousands of handwritten notes placed by visitors who believe their requests will find a shortcut to God by being deposited there. <BR> <BR>The 25-year-old economist started the Twitter page three weeks ago and has already received hundreds of prayers. <BR> <BR>************************************************* <BR>Is it possible that Christians will not also use their cell phone to send text messages to God? <BR>Does He understand all the languages possible to be used? Does he have the capability of reading messages sent in this manner? <BR> <BR>Why not? <BR> <BR>Then again, why pray or send any prayers if God already knows our thoughts?
<font color="0000ff">why pray or send any prayers ...</font> <BR> <BR>self administered placebo effect?
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?