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#1 01-14-09 9:01 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 3,790

Bush declares a 'state of emergency' in Washington

Bush declares a &#39;state of emergency&#39; in Washington as cost of Obama&#39;s swearing-in ceremony soars to £110m <BR> <BR><a href="" target=_top> 1115942/Bush-declares-state-emergency-Washington-c ost-Obamas-swearing-ceremony-soars-110m.html</a> <BR> <BR>Most expensive inauguration ever, the figure in the headline is British pounds, not American $s. Do the math with the current conversion rate.  <BR> <BR>Where&#39;s the outrage in the middle of a financial crisis in America???


#2 01-14-09 11:16 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 1,391

Re: Bush declares a &#39;state of emergency&#39; in Washington

All inaugural ceremonies are expenses that the people feel is their celebration.  Because this one is expected to be the largest in history, and more people will attend than any previous time in history, there is no way that it cannot be held. <BR> <BR>There would be worse outrage without it.   <BR> <BR>It costs lots for the census every ten years; it cost lots for every four-year election.  There are many activities that are costly.  Would you draw up a list of those which could be eliminated?


#3 01-15-09 2:59 am

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 3,790

Re: Bush declares a &#39;state of emergency&#39; in Washington

Yes, it could and should be done with the cost going toward $150 million. That is an outrage, and there is certainly some cutting back that can be done, first black or not. If it was a Republican, Elaine, you would be the first one hooting and hollering about the cost, believe me. It was so 4 years ago by the liberal media for the celebration of a two term president.


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