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#1 05-23-09 2:36 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 3,790

Obama-"We're out of money." DAH!!!

Obama-&#34;We&#39;re out of money.&#34;   DAH!!! <BR> <BR><a href="" target=_top></a>


#2 05-26-09 8:59 am

Registered: 02-09-09
Posts: 729

Re: Obama-&#34;We&#39;re out of money.&#34; DAH!!!

Typical quote mining by the ignorant. <BR> <BR>Of course we are out of money.  We are just &#39;more&#39; out of money than we have been for the last 7 years!  Bush spent more than we took in for 7 years.  He turned a surplus, which was reducing our debt, into a fiasco of lower taxes and increased spending. <BR> <BR>Obama is correct.  If you are spending more than you are taking in like Bush did and have nothing in the bank- <b><font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">HELLO- YOU ARE OUT OF MONEY!!</font></font></b> <BR> <BR>The only money we have is what the chinese and arabs will lend us.


#3 05-26-09 9:17 am

Registered: 02-09-09
Posts: 729

Re: Obama-&#34;We&#39;re out of money.&#34; DAH!!!

By the way, Greenspan says in his book that when Clinton came into office and was going to raise taxes Greenspan showed him what it would do to the economy and Clinton changed his plan based on expert advice from the Fed. <BR> <BR>However, when Bush came into office Greenspan met with him and showed him what lowering taxes would do to the surplus and Bush told Greenspan that he didn&#39;t care and was going to lower them anyway &#39;cuz that&#39;s what he campaigned on.  What an idiot W turned out to be. <BR> <BR>I regret having voted for W in 2000.  He cost our country so much in SO MANY WAYS.


#4 05-27-09 9:22 am

Registered: 01-02-09
Posts: 765

Re: Obama-&#34;We&#39;re out of money.&#34; DAH!!!

direct from the TOTUS.... <BR> <BR>another Obaminism....from the Teleprompter of the United States <BR> <BR>the constitution is 200 CENTURYs old!!!! <BR> <BR><a href="" target=_top> -of-the-day-44/</a>

If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?


#5 05-28-09 11:49 pm

Registered: 01-02-09
Posts: 765

Re: Obama-&#34;We&#39;re out of money.&#34; DAH!!!

Obama???  or Hitler???? <BR> <BR>Speeches in stadiums filled with mesmerized, adoring audiences - Check  <BR>&#42; An uninspiring background before meteoric rise - Check  <BR>&#42; Creates his own new symbols of power - Check  <BR>&#42; Associates with racists, hatemongers and violent radicals - Check  <BR>&#42; believes in redistributing the wealth - Check  <BR>&#42; A propaganda machine willing to show him only in the best possible light - Check  <BR>&#42; Uses, &#34;glorious leader&#34; style Agitprop posters common in totalitarian nations - Check &#40;see German campaign poster for example&#41;  <BR>&#42; Wants Secret Police force - Check  <BR>&#42; Somebody powerful people think they can control - Check  <BR>&#42; Often dismissed as a light-weight by his opponents - Check  <BR>&#42; Seeks to replace God with the State - Check  <BR>&#42; People adopting his name as their own - Check  <BR>&#42; Inspires adoration art - Check  <BR>&#42; Appropriates symbols of past German glory - Check  <BR>&#42; Never plans on giving up power - Check &#40;Obama to be president for the next “eight to 10 years”&#41;  <BR>&#42; A narcissistic megalomaniac - Check  <BR>&#42; Brazenly Takes credit for other people&#39;s accomplishments - Check  <BR>&#42; Wants to build &#34;youth&#34; movement through Universal National State service - Check  <BR>&#42; Acts as if in power before he is - Check  <BR>&#42; Some followers believe him to be divine - Check  <BR>&#42; Worshiped and aided greatly by the media - Check  <BR>&#42; Has his own salute - Check  <BR>&#42; Has thuggish supporters intimidating political opponents – Check  <BR>&#42; Using the power of the State to silence critics - Check  <BR>&#42; Songs written to glorify him performed by children - Check  <BR>&#42; Takes control of large companies and the economy as a whole - Check  <BR>&#42; Attacks the very business leaders who supported his rise once in power - Check  <BR>&#42; Whitewashing/removal of political opponents from history &#40;e.g., deleting Bush’s Twitter updates&#41;  <BR> <BR> <BR>“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” — Santayana

If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?


#6 05-31-09 11:31 am

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 3,790

Re: Obama-&#34;We&#39;re out of money.&#34; DAH!!!

Amidst Bankruptcies of car companies, Obama&#39;s take a date night with Air Force one to NYC for a Broadway Play. Appropriate, or the Presidential Box at the Kennedy Center would have done the job?? <BR> <BR> <BR><img src="" alt=""> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR> <BR><blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1><b>quote:</b></font><p>President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama landed in New York Saturday afternoon, and after taking a helicopter from JFK into Manhattan, drove up the West Side Highway, where the northbound lanes were shut down by police for their visit, past Ground Zero, into the Village for dinner at the Village&#39;s Blue Hill restaurant. From there, they went north to Times Square, where they went to to see a production of &#34;Joe Turner&#39;s Come and Gone&#34; at the Belasco Theater on West 44 Street. <BR> <BR> <BR>Deputy Press Secretary Josh Earnest read a statement from Obama: &#34;I am taking my wife to New York City because I promised her during the campaign that I would take her to a Broadway show after it was all finished.&#34; <BR> <BR>Asked about the cost of the trip, which Republicans have criticized as indulgent, coming just ahead of the expected announcement of GM&#39;s bankruptcy filing on Monday, Josh Earnest told pool reporter Dave Michaels of the Dallas Morning News, that he &#34;didn&#39;t anticipate being able to provide a cost estimate tonight.&#34; <BR> <BR> <BR>After the play let out at about 11:30 p.m., the presidential motorcade went down Sixth Avenue, shut down by the NYPD, and onlookers packed onto the East side of the street cheered as the presidential motorcade passed as the Obamas headed back to JFK for a return flight to Washington. <!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote> <BR> <BR><a href="" target=_top></a> <BR> <BR>&#40;Message edited by Bob_2 on May 31, 2009&#41;


#7 05-31-09 2:58 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 288

Re: Obama-&#34;We&#39;re out of money.&#34; DAH!!!

Maybe just any play wouldn&#39;t do, and maybe &#34;Joe Turner&#39;s Come and Gone&#34; wasn&#39;t playing at the Kennedy Center? <BR>Anyway, I think that they make a fine looking couple, don&#39;t you? I hope that they had a nice time. <BR>He probably need some time off to take a break from the mess that Pres. Dubya&#40;Cheney/Wolfowitz<img src="" border=0>&#41; got us into. I hope that you take this into consideration when you are continuing in prayer for him each day.


#8 05-31-09 10:18 pm

Registered: 12-28-08
Posts: 3,790

Re: Obama-&#34;We&#39;re out of money.&#34; DAH!!!

I thought we were past blaming W, and squarely into Obama&#39;s budget and bailouts now. I agree he needs prayer for the mistake he is making each day.


#9 06-01-09 8:48 am

Registered: 02-09-09
Posts: 729

Re: Obama-&#34;We&#39;re out of money.&#34; DAH!!!

Bob <BR> <BR>W spent more than 1/3 of his two terms either at Camp David or his ranch in Crawford. <BR> <BR>W even succeeded in breaking Reagan&#39;s record for amount of vacation time. <BR> <BR>We&#39;d probably been better off as a country if the intel report stating that bin Laden wanted to fly planes into buildings on US soil hadn&#39;t been delivered while he was nursing a hangover at his ranch! <BR> <BR>Hurricane Katrina?  Oh, after a couple of days thinking about it he did a &#34;fly-over&#34; on his trip back from Crawford! <BR> <BR>Economy imploding?  Well, I&#39;m sure W thought about it while at his ranch. <BR> <BR>Record deficits?  I&#39;m sure he thought about it at his ranch. <BR> <BR>Obama takes his wife on a date?  Hey, Bob&#39;s ALL OVER THAT ONE. <BR> <BR>Maybe you should take your wife on a date instead of dissing the president&#39;s relationship.


#10 06-01-09 12:48 pm

Registered: 01-02-09
Posts: 765

Re: Obama-&#34;We&#39;re out of money.&#34; DAH!!!

I&#39;d rather see the Prez dancing with his wife than bowing down to a Saudi King...also at our travel expense. <BR> <BR>I just enjoyed a Hank Williams jr concert... <BR>the banner behind him throughout the show? <BR> <BR>&#34;I&#39;ll keep my religion, my rights, my guns,  <BR>my money, YOU keep the CHANGE.&#34; <BR> <BR>the good news?  there&#39;s gonna be plenty of Obama money for all!!!!  tho it may soon be worth-less. <BR><img src="" alt="">

If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?


#11 06-02-09 3:25 pm

Registered: 02-09-09
Posts: 729

Re: Obama-&#34;We&#39;re out of money.&#34; DAH!!!

<font color="0000ff">Amidst Bankruptcies of car companies, Obama&#39;s take a date night with Air Force one to NYC for a Broadway Play.</font> <BR> <BR>BTW, they didn&#39;t take the 747 &#40;what is commonly called Air Force 1&#41;. <BR> <BR>Seems W went to Camp David 149 times and all the way to Crawford 77 times.  It cost about 1/2 million just for the plane to go to Crawford and back, so a minimum of 35 million dollars for him to hang out at his ranch for a combined year and a half out of the 8 years.  This while he started a war, had Katrina, and imploded the economy. <BR> <BR>Now that Obama is trying to clean up W&#39;s mess he should be heading out on a jet date every weekend as partial compensation. <BR> <BR><a href="" target=_top> oliticalhotsheet/entry4728085.shtml</a>


#12 06-05-09 10:55 pm

Registered: 01-02-09
Posts: 765

Re: Obama-&#34;We&#39;re out of money.&#34; DAH!!!

here is how the economy is supposed to work: <BR> <BR>In a small town in the United States, the little town looks almost totally deserted. It is tough times, everybody is in debt, and everybody lives on credit.  <BR> <BR> <BR>Suddenly, a rich tourist comes to town.  <BR> <BR>He enters the towns only hotel, lays a 100 Dollar Bill on the reception counter as a deposit, and goes to inspect the rooms upstairs in order to pick one.  <BR> <BR>The hotel proprietor takes the 100 Dollar Bill and runs to pay his debt to the butcher.  <BR> <BR>The Butcher takes the 100 Dollar Bill, and runs to pay his debt to the pig farmer.  <BR> <BR>The pig farmer takes the 100 Dollar Bill, and runs to pay his debt to the supplier of his feed and fuel.  <BR> <BR>The supplier of feed and fuel takes the 100 Dollar Bill and runs to pay his debt to the town&#39;s prostitute that in these hard times, gave her &#34;services&#34; on credit.  <BR> <BR>The hooker runs to the hotel, and pays off her debt with the 100 Dollar Bill to the hotel proprietor to pay for the rooms that she rented when she brought her clients there.  <BR> <BR>The hotel proprietor then lays the 100 Dollar Bill back on the counter so that the rich tourist will not suspect anything.  <BR> <BR> <BR>At that moment, the rich tourist comes down after inspecting the rooms, and takes back his 100 Dollar Bill, saying that he did not like any of the rooms, and leaves town.  <BR> <BR>No one earned anything.......... However, the whole town is now without debt, and looks to the future with a lot of optimism..

If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?


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