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Hey, did you see Ben Stein's movie "Expelled", no, well this book picks up where the movie left off. Here are some comments about the book:
We often hear evolutionists, such as Ernst Mayr, say, “No educated person any longer questions the validity of the so-called theory of evolution…” or Richard Dawkins, who says “It is absolutely safe to say that if you meet somebody who claims not to believe in evolution, that person is ignorant, stupid, or insane (or wicked, but I’d rather not consider that).” Slaughter of the Dissidents merely shows us the logical actions that follow these words. They believe that anyone who questions evolution either belongs in a mental institute or is of significantly dumber descent. The solution, obviously, is to treat these people as second class human beings by firing them, closing their labs, cutting their pay, denying their degrees, and so forth. At least the evolution lobby has done one thing well—they’ve kept their words and actions consistent with their theory. For anyone who thinks the thought-police might have gone too far—read this book.
- Samuel Chen, Director- Intelligent Design Undergraduate Research (IDEA) Center
I thought your title was a little extreme until I read the book.
- David Coppedge, Creation-Evolution Headlines
The coliseum of the first century has been replaced by the ivory towers of academia; the lions by university administrators. This is a must read book for anyone following the current Creation/ID/evolution controversy. Even more importantly, it has a great deal to say about the future of science. As Dr. Bergman clearly shows in this powerful essay, we are on the threshold of forever losing science as we know it.
- Norbert Smith
I just finished reading "Slaughter of the Dissidents." The amount of well-documented research you put into your book is truly impressive, but more so is how you clearly lay out the case showing the bias, blackmail, and coercion employed to keep researchers and educators in line with secular beliefs.
If folks liked Ben Stein's movie "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed," they will be blown away by "Slaughter of the Dissidents."
- Russ Miller, Creation Ministries
Intelligent Design is accused of being a science stopper; but what could stop science more effectively than slaughtering the dissidents?
- Tom Gilson, Thinking Christian
I personally have heard the testimony of several of the scientists in the case studies reported [in SOD]. I have asked questions and can verify that the scientists have testified objectively and that the author has narrated the facts accurately. Taken altogether, the evidence depicts a grand pattern of stringent censorship coupled with relentless persecution that is of greater scope and intensity than anti-semitism or racial discrimination or both combined... I know because, like the author, I have personally experienced many of the consequences chronicled in this book.
- Joseph Mastropaolo, Ph.D. , Professor Emeritus, California State University,Long Beach