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QUESTION: Do you think Barack Obama is a socialist?
All 63 21 16
Men 66 20 14
Women 60 22 18
White 64 20 16
Other/Ref 55 30 15
18-29 62 22 16
30-44 63 21 16
45-59 63 21 16
60+ 64 21 15
NE 57 25 18
South 67 18 15
MW 61 22 17
West 60 23 17
Def 64 20 16
Vote 63 21 16
Not Like 61 23 16
Def Not 60 24 16
Not Sure 60 25 15
Last edited by bob_2 (02-02-10 5:19 pm)
That's really interesting, is it supposed to be representative for the whole population?
I suppose the problem with the poll may be that it doesn't define what "socialist" means. It appears to me that in America, where there was never a strong socialist/left wing movement, anyone who isn't extreme right wing will be called a socialist.
On the other hand, the world at large would simply love America to have its first socialist president. It might explain the Nobel Prize! ;-)
On a different note, what worried me in the pol was questions like the one about support for death penalty or teaching creation according to Genesis in public schools.
As I read back over the article, this a poll within Republicans. My definition of Socialism and what I believe is meant here is someone that is interested in redistributing wealth within society, an extreme view. When we are bordering on bankrupting the economy, Obama, talks of cost savings, but then reminds Republicans that his cost savings aren't to be imposed immediately, not until October, 2010, "That's the way budgets work."
Last edited by bob_2 (02-03-10 5:22 pm)
That makes me feel better about Americans, bob_2, thanks... obviously I must have been reading it in a hurry. It does not make me feel better about Republicans though! Would the poll be taken amongst party members only, or those who vote Republican?