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Don, I find your response contradictory to other stands you take. Such as Sabbath as a Creation Ordinance, with no Biblical support other than support assummed. God declared the role of woman before the Fall and after the Fall more clearly than he did the Sabbath at Creation, yet you want to pick and choose, for PC reasons, what is to be applied in modern society.
This is not about women wearing hats in modern worship services, but much greater issues, yet you have made it a matter of minor consequence. You take God's words on Mt. Sinai to be of more import than the words of God at Creation. INTERESTING
Oh yes ^^"
There are two different accounts in genesis. They are not the same account at all, and different in every way. So, if one wants to use the first account to support submission of women, then one is ignoring the second account.
It's also telling that so much weight rests on "helpmate".
In any case, all of the genesis discussion is in the old covenant, and is written (or at least compiled) by Moses.
Unclear why "nosex" piped up, but this is for me another problem with the adventist church (and its certainly not alone in this regard). I can't fathom structuring a marriage along the lines discussed earlier in this thread. My wife is not my first mate or lieutenant, or servant, or whathaveyou.
And we're both better for it.
Genesis 1 and 2 are parts of the same story but separate by an unknown period of time. Genesis 1 records the initial acts of creation including the creation of humanoids.(later referred to as the daughters of men) these were most likely hunters and gatherers because the Bible tells us that before the creation of Adam ( the son of God) there was no man to till the land.
Adam and later Eve were created for the purpose of agriculture a great advancement in the development of civilization.Most visual dipictions of A&E show them as white so it can be inferred that the earlier created humanoids were otherwise.
When the Bible says that Eve was the "mother of all living" it means that those living when Moses wrote were descended from Eve. The earlier creations of Gen 1 did not survive the Flood. However it is obvious that some of the earlier DNA did survive possibly through the wives of the sons of Noah.
Since present mankind is descended from A&E then the limitations would apply meaning that women are subordinate to men and should not have leadership roles in the Christian church and should in fact be quiet in mixed gender congregations.As Paul says females should be limited in ministry to other females.
It is very obvious from Scripture especially in the NT that what is between ones legs is more important than what is between ones ears as far as leadership in the Church or society is concerned. Which may explain why there are so many problems in both.
Last edited by Old Abe (03-04-11 2:57 pm)
Something is wrong with this programme . Only a portion of my posting got through.
Something is wrong with this programme . Only a portion of my posting got through.
Try again. I haven't seen this software publish only part of a post and I haven't heard of anyone having the same problem (has anyone?). No offense meant, but it is probably just user error--at least it often is for me.
I have had this also happen recently, twice in fact. Then I had to go back and post whatever was missing.
I have had this also happen recently, twice in fact. Then I had to go back and post whatever was missing.
This is unfortunate. Thanks for letting me know, Abe and Tom. I will look into it.
It has happened to me before.I think it is in the spam protection of the programme.When there is a long time between postings when I post a page will come up asking a question and when I answer it only part of the posting I made will display.
It has also happened to me. Whenever I have to do one of those "prove you're not a troll" things, it inevitably eats most of my post.
This just recently happened to me. And half my post I had to recreate. Try this to beat this "gremlin" . Post the first sentence. Then go back and use the edit function to add the rest of your post. Ryan and others have seen some "nefarious" posters that are automated get through, but I think Ryan and the software guys are doing better.
Last edited by bob_2 (03-07-11 1:36 am)